Page 18 of The Host

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“So, three and half months after it first airs, but I would only be committed for two weeks.”

“If you make it that long,” Amanda added.

“What does that mean?”

“That means you could be cut the first day, or the second day, or the third day, and so forth.”

“Oh, so my idea of getting a two-week vacation in California probably won’t happen.”

“But with your looks, you’ll definitely get at least a week.”

Evie had her mouth opened to rebuke Amanda, but she cut her off.

“Don’t even say anything, Evie. No matter what, people always see the outer before they get to know the inner.”

“It’s a curse, believe me.”

“But a curse that will get you at least a week of vacation on the beach, with three meals and possible excursions. Ugh! I’m so jealous!”

“Oh, I just don’t know. I’m not the sort of person who just does something like this. How popular is this show? Is this one you’ve watched before?”

“Like I said, it’s never aired before, so who knows? It could be a total flop.”

Evie abruptly stood up. “Oh, I don’t know. Should I do it?”

“I think you totally should.”

“But they’re going to be expecting you?”

“They’re going to be expecting Amanda Evelyn Kahl. How easy would it be for them to understand a simple mistake? Just tell them somehow there was a mistake and you’re Amanda Evelyn Call.”

“What about pictures? Haven’t you sent them pictures of you?”

“I have, but they sent me an email this morning asking for another one because the image was blurry. So, let’s go find one of you and send it!”

“How will I get there?”

“They’ve already paid for my flight. Denver to San Diego.”

“But it’s in your name!”

“Again, a simple mistake. Use those good looks of yours to make them understand the two-letter mishap.”

“You know I don’t work like that.”

“And yet, it happens more than you’d like. Here, do you like this picture of you?” Amanda asked as she held her phone up to Evie which displayed a photo of Evie dressed up on a night Keith took her to a work party.

“That is a good picture,” Evie agreed. “Should I pack?”

“Of course, you should pack,” Amanda confirmed. “Let’s go get you packed.”

Amanda pulled Evie by the arm to her bedroom, opened her closet, and pulled out two suitcases.

“I don’t want to pay for the extra baggage.”

“It’s already paid for,” Amanda insisted as she opened the two suitcases and laid them on her bed.

“I should bring my boots… because they’ll want to see if I can work with animals in a barn setting.”
