Page 20 of The Host

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“Over two hundred.”

“Seriously?” Matt laughed incredulously. “And you picked me? Why? Over everyone else? Why?”

“The director was impressed with your response.”

“Which response? I typed many responses.”

“If you could change anything about your current life, what would it be?”

“I remember that question. I remember my response. I wrote, I would allow myself to leave my past behind and forge a new one… hopefully with someone with whom we could build a new future together.” What he didn’t write was the thought at the end of the sentence. …and repair the relationship he broke with his father.

Matt was on the verge of declining their offer knowing they had many other options to fall back on, but he had a sudden memory soar across his mind. It wasn’t a real memory. It was the memory of his dream. The one where he was running behind a woman who held his attention.

He sighed with a sense of resignation and decided to allow some other force, whether it be God or the fates, to take hold of his helm and steer him in a direction he had previously said he’d never go.

He didn’t have much faith in the idea that he could find someone with whom to build a new future, and yet, it was there. What he had absolutely no faith in was healing the past wounds with his father. Being the main guy on a reality dating show would further deepen those wounds, but if there was a chance to find someone to share his life with, he’d take the chance.

“Yes,” Matt uttered.

“Is that a yes?” the man on the other end inquired.

Matt nodded his head as a small smile appeared. “Yes, I’ll do it.”

“That is wonderful! We’ll have a limo pick you up tomorrow morning at 9:00.”

“What do I need to pack?”

He laughed, “You didn’t read the fine print… did you?”

Matt felt his stomach drop… fine print. He truly didn’t think he’d ever be in this situation, so of course he didn’t read the fine print!

“No stressing, Matt,” the man replied to Matt’s silence. I’ll email you a copy of your contract and… in that fine print you’ll read that all your clothing and toiletries will be provided for you, thanks to our sponsors.”

“Oh,” Matt sighed in relief, but he was surely going to take the time to read theentirefine print.

“You’re scheduled to arrive by 10:30 A.M. and then we can go over all the minor details as well as sign the contract.”

“Sounds good,” Matt agreed.

Matt jogged back to his apartment and plopped down on his couch. He opened his phone and saw the message from… he couldn’t remember his name because he was in too much shock to register that piece of information, but he knew it was him because it was titled: Matt, The Host contract.

Matt quickly scrolled down to the bottom and saw who sent the message… Sam. At least now he had a name to refer to.

He scrolled back to the top of the email and carefully read all of the fine print. When he finished reading, he mentally checked off the important parts.

? No drugs including marijuana.

?No sexual intercourse with any contestant until down to the final two, and even then, no requirement.

? No selling or endorsing of retail products.

? No use of cell phone(s) during the entire two weeks.

? No use of internet or satellite communications.

?No outside phone calls except to a lawyer in the event you feel you need one.

? Must interact with every candidate on the first night.
