Page 21 of The Host

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?The first night will be live, so no foul language. Later airings can be edited.

? No books, magazines, or digital books.

? Physical journals and Bibles are accepted.

? Must complete the entire two weeks of filming.

?Must propose on final episode. (you can choose to break off proposal afterwards)

?All filming images are the property of The Host and the XYZ Network Company.

There was a requirement against discussing religion that made him question why, but since he wasn’t a religious man, he didn’t consider it important. There were other requirements, but Matt didn’t feel they were necessary to keep in his frontal lobe memory, so he closed the email and got up to take a shower. He’d figure out the other details after the shower.

That man, Sam, was now leading Matt to a mobile office building set up off to the side of the mansion.

“Matt! We are so excited to meet you!”

A middle-aged man approached Matt and held out his hand. Matt accepted the hand and shook it.

“I’m Evan. I’m the director of this production. We are thrilled that you have agreed to join us.”

Matt smiled a reserved smile. “I’m happy to be here. Still shocked that you picked me, but here I am, nonetheless.”

“Wonderful, wonderful. There are twenty-five women that will be arriving in three days. During the next two days, you’ll receive your wardrobe, take a couple of photo shoots, go over possible date ideas and locations, and then we’ll get you acquainted with the mansion. But before any of that takes place, Sam will escort you to Brian’s office. He’s our liability manager.”

“Sounds good,” Matt nodded.

Matt followed Sam through a door that led them through what looked like a temporary hallway, to another door that opened into a huge tent. Eventually, they came to a door with Brian’s name on it.

Sam knocked.

“Come on in,” replied the occupant.

Sam opened the door and Matt walked in first.

“You must be Matt!”

“That is who I am,” Matt replied.

“Of course, you are. Just look at you.” Brian scanned Matt from head to toe and shook his head. “Well, come on in and sit down. I’m assuming you read the contract.” Brian said as he shoved a stack of papers toward the chair that had been vacant a moment before.

Matt gave Brian a scrutinizing look as he picked up the stack of papers, but that look went unnoticed as Brian picked up the phone and requested a man named Tom come to the office.

The stack of papers was a hard copy of the email Sam had emailed Matt the day before. He was not unaccustomed to judgmental looks from others because of his looks, but for some reason, Brian’s look of hostility rubbed Matt the wrong way.

The door opened and a man wearing shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, and flip flops entered with a tablet and briefcase.

“Hi, I’m Tom,” Tom said as he extended his hand to Matt.

Matt stood up and shook it.

“I’m the production lawyer. Please, have a seat. Have you looked over the contract?”

“Yes, I have,” Matt said as he continued to stand.

“Any questions?”

“Not so much a question but a curiosity.”
