Page 28 of The Host

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“We’re ready for Miss Call. Miss Call, please follow me.”

“Well, I did sign the contract, so I might as well see what happens. Thank you, Ann. Wish me luck!” Evie said as she walked out the door.

“Evie!” Ann called out as Evie turned the corner.

Evie stopped and turned around to see Ann with a confused look on her face. Ann stood mute as if she wanted to say something… but didn’t.

“The cameras are rolling, Ann,” the person said in irritation at Ann’s outburst.

Ann threw her arms up in despair and yelled, “Good luck, Evie! May you find more than what you’re looking for!”

“Thank you, Ann. Right back at ya!” Evie replied as she followed another crew member to another limousine.

After she entered the limousine, the crew member reminded her that the cameras and microphones were rolling live and to read the questions displayed on the monitor and answer them as authentically as possible.

The moment she sat down the first question popped up on the monitor.

“What is your first name only? Reply: My name is _______.”

That seemed easy enough to do.

“My name is Evie,” Evie responded.

“Where are you from?”

“I’m from Denver Colorado.”

“What is your occupation?”

“I’m a veterinarian, and I’m currently looking for a vet position at a clinic. My passion is large animals like horses and cows, but I also love the smaller animals as well.”

“What was your experience with getting ready to meet The Host?”

“To be honest, I was actually quite surprised with how formal tonight’s meeting is. I understand that some employers have fancy dinners and parties and that the employees need to be able to demonstrate ease and personality while talking to potential buyers or customers, etc. I just didn’t expect it to be this detailed.

“I did love being pampered. My dress is beautiful and Ann, my make-up artist and hairstylist did a fabulous job. A shout-out to Ann!”

“What are your expectations from Matt, The Host?”

“Matt is his name? That’s good to know,” Evie giggled. “That way I don’t have to ask him what his name is. Well… what do I expect? I expect Matt to be professional, that he will use the resources he has to help me better myself and the other candidates in finding better positions to help fulfill their dreams. The future can be a scary thing, but with good skills and resources… it doesn’t have to be as scary.”

“Do you believe in love at first sight?”

“That’s an odd question… but I guess in my case, I can say yes. The first time I saw a mare give birth to her first foal, I fell in love. I was only seven years old, but that foal has been mine ever since.”

“You’re about to exit the limousine and meet Matt for the first time. What do you want to say to everyone who is watching live at home?”

Evie’s heart pounded louder as she was reminded that the questions she answered had been live. She never did tell her family she was doing this, so she hoped that the show hadn’t been hugely publicized and not many people were watching. She wanted better opportunities to get hired as a vet, and she hoped this was the correct path for her. So… what should she say to anybody watching at home?

“Thank you to the Host for helping others like me find better opportunities!”

The limousine stopped in front of a beautiful, extremely large home that was lit up with lights. The door opened for her and Evie glided elegantly out of the limousine. She looked at the gentleman who opened her door and wondered if he was the host, but he was signaling for her to walk in the opposite direction.

Evie turned to walk in the direction indicated and noticed a man dressed in a tuxedo standing at the base of the front entrance stairs. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked upon the most handsome man she had ever seen in her life. Her legs refused to move and she stood staring at him with awe. How was it fair for her… or any other helpless female to have someone this good-looking helping them find jobs?

The producers should have had the good sense to find someone who was average… or a little over average. Not someone who was Adonis in the flesh.

Maybe this was part of the test. Could an employee work for someone who was extremely good-looking and still get their work done? If this was the case, she probably already failed. She couldn’t even get her legs to move.
