Page 29 of The Host

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Evie then made a mistake and looked into his eyes. She felt her brain turn into mush as she exhaled what she thought would be her last breath.

His eyes.

Those warm, dark brown eyes that looked like pieces of chocolate kisses.


She moved her eyes to his mouth.

Would they taste like chocolate kisses?

“Get a hold of yourself, Evie!” she demanded silently. “What has happened to you?” she questioned just as silently. “He’s the host and he’s going to help you find a great job! Nothing else. Now… move your feet and walk slowly towards him. Focus on his nose. Nothing else.”

Her foot obeyed her and then the other foot.

Before she knew it, she stood face to face with the host as he moved towards her, closing the gap.

The intense focus on his nose had moved back up to his eyes and she once again felt the world stop.

“Hi,” he said in a distinctly masculine voice. “I’m Matt.”

“Yes,” Evie replied, still in awe. “I know.”

Matt chuckled a little, “And you are?”

“In awe!”

Matt laughed aloud. “I know the feeling, so I’m grateful to be in similar company.”

Chapter 6

Matt was truly in awe as well. He had already met twelve beautiful women who, for the most part, were genuine in their hopes of finding love. During their brief conversations, some of the twelve women intrigued him with their confidence, ease of conversation and flirtatiousness… and smiles. A few of the women he could tell there would be no connection… on his side… and gratefully he discerned only a few of the women so far were manipulative and fake.

However, the woman standing before him literally took his breath away. She was tall, elegant, gorgeous… and yet she didn’t flaunt her beauty. The way she walked towards him was not flirtatious or overconfident… it was natural. He was in awe of her and had an immense desire to get to know her better.

The reddening of her cheeks alluded to the fact that she was embarrassed about her comment. There was something pure and whole about her and the sudden feelings of protection that overcame him surprised him. He didn’t want her to be embarrassed and he wanted to get to know her better.

“This place is surely awe-inspiring,” Matt stated as his arms motioned to their surroundings.

This comment brought a shy smile to the woman’s face, which brightened her eyes. She was more than gorgeous… she was stunning… and still, he felt the urge to protect her. He didn’t want her to leave his side… but he knew she had to follow behind the other women as he had to meet twelve more women.

He had to know her name.

“Welcome to The Host. I’m your Host, Matt… at your service, milady!” Matt said as he made a slight bow.

A cautious smile slowly spread across her face as she timidly looked down. “Okay,” she finally said as she bit her lower lip. “I’m hopeful that things might go in the right direction.”

Matt heard the next limousine drive up but didn’t take his eyes off the one standing in front of him. “Please, what is your name?” he asked.

“Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Evie.” Evie extended her hand for Matt to shake.

“Evie,” Matt repeated with a chuckle at the outstretched hand. So far, the other women desired hugs and some even kissed him on the cheek… but not Evie. She was in a class all her own. He took her hand and shook it. Her hand was gentle, yet sturdy. Soft, yet confident. He would definitely request a date with her for the next day.

“So, where do I go now?” Evie asked, peering around her cautiously. It was evident she was uncomfortable with the cameras pointing at her.

“Yes,” Matt replied. “Evie, this is Carl. He’s the Anchor of the show. He’ll show you where to go. I’m so glad you came and I’m excited to get to know you better.”

“Me, too,” Evie agreed.
