Page 30 of The Host

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Evie smiled at Carl and then turned back to Matt. A look of confusion crossed her face but then she turned back to Carl and followed him up the stairs and into the mansion.

Matt’s heart tugged a little as she walked away, but he had to refocus his attention on the new limousine that pulled up. The woman stepped out of the limo and looked directly at him and smiled. She wasn’t Evie, but he needed to give everyone else a chance… at least in the beginning.

“Welcome to The Host, I’m Matt.”

“Matt,” she purred, in what appeared to be a Southern accent. “I’m Maeve, and I have to say this is so surreal. I’m so excited to be here and to have the chance for us to get to know each other.”

“The thoughts are mutual,” Matt agreed as he confirmed her Southern accent. He then glanced at her looking for something positive to say when he realized he forgot to say something positive to Evie. He had made a promise to say something positive to each woman that he met that evening… and he did… except for Evie. He would remedy that once he got inside. He had said many positive things inside his mind, but he wanted to say something aloud.

“Maeve?” Matt said as he brought his attention back to the woman in front of him. “You look very elegant in that dress.”

“Why thank you, Matt,” Mauve purred. “I had a feeling you’d like it. I picked it just for you.”

Carl appeared, ready to escort Mauve to the house when she leaned in and gave Matt an intimate hug. Mauve fit well in his embrace which ignited a certain yearning.

As she turned to follow Carl, Matt turned to face the new limousine and muttered to himself. “You’re a rat!” One minute he was tongue-tied with feelings of extreme protection over Evie and the next, he was ready to take Mauve to bed.

Matt took a deep breath, pushed down his desires, and reminded himself the show was being filmed live.

The next lady stepped out and started walking towards him. She was simpler in looks, but Matt could see the easiness in her gait and personality. She laughed aloud as she approached.

“Well, looky here!” she greeted. “Your pictures don’t do you justice!”

“Really?” Matt replied.

“Really!” she echoed. “You are good-looking, but I can tell there’s a little fun inside you as well.”

“I do like to have fun,” Matt agreed, although, for the last couple of years, that fun had been shoved over to the other side of his brain due to Carla’s death.

“Having funandlaughing is really important to me, so when we go on our first date, please keep that in mind.”

“Duly noted!” Matt nodded. He liked that. Direct and forthright. Great combinations. “Welcome to The Host. I’m Matt. What is your name?”

“I’m Callie.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Callie, and might I add that you look lovely in your dress.”

“Why, thank you, Matt.”

“I will begin thinking of a fun date for us, immediately.”

“Love it! I’m counting the hours.” Callie reached over and gave him a hug with a kiss on the cheek and then followed Carl into the house.

Nine more women exited nine more limousines and he welcomed and introduced himself. They, in turn, introduced themselves and entered the house.

“This is the last young lady,” Carl commented as the last limousine drove up.

“Thank you, Carl,” Matt replied. He had actually lost count and honestly couldn’t remember every woman’s name. He had to send six women home that night, so he figured if he had already forgotten them, they would be easy to send home. He was glad he remembered to say something positive about each woman… except for Evie… but he wouldn’t be sending her home tonight. He really wanted to get to know her better.

The moment the last woman slid out of her limousine; Matt was surprised at her intense beauty. She was so perfect; it was hard to look at her… almost. She was really thin, but her curves were perfect. Her hair and make-up were perfectly done. As he stared at her, he couldn’t find a flaw anywhere.

“Good evening, Matt!” she whispered in a soft, yet precise voice.

“Good evening, to you,” he replied back in the same whisper. “Welcome to The Host.”

“Thank you. I’m Neveah and I’m really thrilled to be here.”

“I’m thrilled you are here as well. I’m excited for the opportunity to get to know you better.”
