Page 31 of The Host

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“The excitement is mutual.”

“You have a style that is magnetic.”

“I know,” Neveah replied as she leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. Then she perfectly turned her body to head up the stairs. She walked up the stairs emphasizing the movement of her hips as if she knew he was watching… which he was.

Matt felt like he had been hit by a truck.

Neveah was good.

Really good.

Too good.

There was something he didn’t quite trust about her. Someone who worked that hard to portray that much perfection had to have something amiss within her character. He would keep an eye on her as everyone had flaws. Matt was sure that flaw would eventually manifest itself.

“Matt,” Carl said as he turned to face the camera. “You have been introduced to twenty-five very lovely young ladies. Do any of them pique your interest?”

“Carl, they are all truly very beautiful and I say they have all piqued my interest.”

“But you’ll have to send home six tonight. I think I can deduce by your reaction to a couple of the young ladies, whom you will not send home, but will you privy us with one or two whom you’ll probably send home?”

“Carl, it’s too early to say anything. First impressions are powerful, but some are also deceiving. I’m anxious to go inside and get to know them a little better.”

“Do you think it will be hard to send six home tonight?”

“Yes, but I’m sure that task will only get harder as I get to know the women better.”

“I believe you might be right on that account, Matt. Well, let’s get you inside so you can socialize better with all twenty-five of these beautiful women in the hopes that they will be chosen as The Hostess.”

Carl ushered Matt up the stairs that led to the large wooden double doors of the mansion. Inside, Matt would again see the twenty-five women who had originally signed up to meet whoever was The Host before him, but now had turned their designs towards him. He pasted on a smile, opened the double doors and entered with a gallant smile.

He quickly surveyed the room and saw many of the women standing in clusters of four or five. Matt continued to smile as he glanced at every face until he found the one he searched for. Each face looked hopeful or enticing… except for Evie’s. She smiled, just like the others, but her look was more a look of confusion… as if she was expecting something different… or something more.

“Welcome,” Carl announced. “Welcome ladies,” Carl quickly glanced around the room and then he turned to face the camera closest to him. “Welcome Viewers, to The Host!”

Everyone in the big room clapped.

“Ladies… Viewers at home… you have all met our Host, Matt Kaplan… and what do you think?” he asked.

The ladies clapped again as a few whistled.

Matt did his best not to turn to see who was whistling or to see if Evie’s look of confusion still crossed her face.

“Our live audience just got the pleasure of watching you,” Carl continued to talk to Matt and the camera, “greeting each of your potential Hostesses for the last hour, and now you have thirty minutes to mingle around the room to get to know each lady a little better.”

“I can do that!” Matt smiled into the camera.

“Just remember, that six of these lovely ladies will not receive an invitation to stay, so go ahead and get acquainted with them.” Carl patted Matt on the back and stepped back.

Matt walked toward the first group of five women he laid eyes on. He remembered Maeve, Carmela, and Aaliyah but didn’t remember the names of the other two. Noticing two of the women didn’t have a drink in their hands, he grabbed two glass flutes of champagne from the bar he walked past and headed toward that group.

“Ladies,” Matt said as he handed the two flutes to the ladies who didn’t have a drink already in their hands. “How has the evening been so far?”

“Marvelous,” replied Carmela.

“Sensational,” remarked Aaliyah.

“Unforgettable,” added one of the ladies he didn’t remember.
