Page 32 of The Host

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“Don’t you want a drink too, Matt?” Maeve suggested flirtatiously as she took a sip from the glass of champagne Matt had handed her.

“With all you beautiful women, I’ll need to keep my wits about me,” Matt chuckled. “Please, tell me a little about yourselves?”

“Like what?” asked the other woman he didn’t remember. He was sure it started with a C, but he couldn’t remember.

“What are your occupations?” Matt asked, nodding his head.

That was a safe question to ask, pleased that it came to him quickly.

“I’m a teacher,” Carmela answered.

“Really? My stepmom is a teacher as well. What grade?”

“Fourth grade.”

“As is my stepmom,” Matt added.

“It’s such a rewarding age to teach.”

Matt nodded his head and then looked at the next woman.

“I have my own business,” she commented.

“Which is?” Matt prodded.

“I own a cookie shop. Clare’s Cookies.”

“You own Clare’s Cookies?” Aaliyah butted in. “Here in the Burbank area?”

Clare smiled broadly. “Yes, that’s my shop.”

“I love a good cookie!” Matt interjected.

“Well then, I’ll just have to make you some. What’s your favorite?”

“I love them all!” he answered.

“I’m looking forward to making you some.”

Matt then looked at the next woman. She was shy and he wished he could have remembered her name. Maybe he’d get lucky and she owned a business with her name in it as well, he mentally laughed.

“I’m a nurse,” she said. No smile, no teasing manner. Just straightforward.

“And in which field do you practice your nurse trade?” Matt asked.

“I work at an imaging office,” she added.

“That’s taking X-rays and MRI’s, right Laura?” Aaliyah asked.

Matt was grateful Aaliyah said Laura’s name. Now he had a name to go with the face.

“Yes,” Laura answered. “That’s what an imaging office does.”

“Which do you prefer?” Matt asked. “MRI’s or X-rays?”

“Depends on the reason, but the MRI machine is pretty simple and doesn’t need as much guidance as the X-ray machine does.”

“And you, Aaliyah?” Matt asked.
