Page 34 of The Host

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“You sound like you already have the perfect job for you,” Evie affirmed.

“I do!” Callie agreed.

“Then why are you here?” Evie questioned sincerely.

Callie’s brow furrowed in surprise. “Because a well-balanced life doesn’t just focus on one’s occupation. A life is also meant to be shared with someone.”

“I completely agree,” Evie asserted.

“As do I,” interrupted Anya. “Having a wonderful job and someone to share that with makes a well-balanced life.”

Anya positioned herself in between Matt and Evie, pushing Evie out of the way. “I’m a coder. I create codes for apps.”

“Seriously?” Matt asked, intrigued.

“Seriously,” Anya smirked. “I’d love to tell you all about it as well as other things.” She winked flirtatiously.

“I’m sure we’ll get the chance to do just that,” Matt agreed.

“And what about you?” Matt asked the last person in the group.

“I’m Crystal and I work at a radio station. I’m in charge of advertising.

“Matt!” Carl declared as he wrapped his arm over his shoulders. “You have just met twenty-five beautiful women.” Carl then turned to look at the camera. “There will be a fifteen-minute commercial break and when we come back, Matt will decide which of these beautiful women will get to stay and which six will be going home tonight. Audience members at home, please text or go online to vote for your favorite to stay.”

“Cut!” someone yelled from behind a wall.

Matt saw Evan walk around a wall and motion some of his camera crew to follow him.

“Ladies, please stand over here… in front of the fireplace. Taller ladies in the back, please.”

The crew staff began to strategically place the ladies evenly in front of the fireplace. Big lights on stands were being set up in front of the women as a photographic camera was being set up on the balcony overhead.

“Matt, please go stand in the middle. We’ll arrange the ladies around you.”

Matt did as he was told but couldn’t resist looking for a couple of the women… mainly Evie. Even though her behavior was odd, he still felt inclined to make sure she was all right. He smiled at the ladies around him and then spotted Evie. She was taller than most of the women there, so she was standing in the back next to Maeve, who was also tall.

“Eyes on the camera,” demanded the photographer. “We’ll be live in five minutes.”

The photographer maneuvered the camera in a variety of angles while taking pictures until he finally took the camera off the stand and took multiple pictures freestyle.

“Done, Evan!” he hollered.

“Wonderful!” Evan hollered back. “Matt, quickly, come stand here!”

Matt took three large steps and stood exactly where Evan told him to stand.

“Here are nineteen invitations to give to the nineteen you’d like to stay.”

“Live in 10, 9, 8…” someone began the countdown as Evan scurried to hide himself behind the wall.

Matt took a deep breath, calmed himself, and smiled.

Chapter 7

The moment Evie stepped inside the mansion and counted ten women, all dressed up as nicely as she was, her brain started to ask more questions than she had answers to.

Why do all of these women look like they stepped off the modeling runway?
