Page 41 of The Host

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Evie looked back to Callie and Baylor.

“Sounds like she didn’t exactly say a new job.”

Evie began to shake her head slowly and then that shake became more vigorous. “No! I didn’t sign up for this!” Evie renewed her pacing, but with vamped up speed. “I don’t want this! I’ve got to get out of this. This is a big mistake.”

Callie and Baylor tried to ask her calming questions, but Evie couldn’t hear either of them. Evie’s mind was set on getting out of this contract and doing it as fast as seemed possible.

Evie exited the library and headed down the same hallway she saw Matt walk down the evening before. She opened the door at the end of the hallway which led her downstairs to a large garage filled with lots of plastic tubs and decor.

“Hello?” she hollered, but no one answered.

Evie noticed a cameraman following her, so she turned to talk to him.

“Where do I go to talk to whoever is in charge? I need to get out of this contract. I’m not supposed to be doing a dating reality show. This was supposed to be a job reality show.”

Evie waited for the cameraman to comment, but he stood mute.

“I’m serious!” Evie demanded.

Still, no comment from the cameraman.

“Fine!” Evie blurted out. “I’ll keep walking around until I find someone.”

Evie walked through another door that looked to be another garage but this one was filled with computer monitors, recording devices… and people.


She found people who would hopefully direct her where she needed to go to get out.

“Who’s in charge?” Evie demanded. “I’m in the wrong place and I need to leave… immediately.”

The six people sitting around various computer monitors just stared at her blankly. It appeared no one was willing to talk to her.

“Do I need to call my lawyer?” Evie demanded as she picked up a landline phone sitting on one of the desks.

Finally, someone spoke to her and told her they’d get someone.

Evie found a vacant chair and sat down. What had she gotten herself into? This was absolutely the last thing she ever wanted to do. In fact, swimming in a pool of hot lava was more enticing than having her face blown up all over the TV and internet because she signed up for a love-reality show. What would her parents think? What would her siblings say?


He’s a verifiable lawyer now.

And he was working in Southern California.

That’s who she’ll call.

“Miss Call!”

Evie stood up at the mention of her name and looked at an older gentleman who walked in from the other side of the garage.

“Yes!” she replied.

“I understand you feel there has been some sort of misunderstanding?”

“Yes,” Evie uttered.

“Please, follow me!” he said. “And turn off the camera,” he ordered the cameraman.
