Page 44 of The Host

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“Evie? Are you ok?”

With that simple question, Evie no longer could hold back her tears. She was mad at Amanda for putting her into this situation, she was frustrated at Keith for not being who she thought he was, but who she really was mad at, was herself. She had seen three of her siblings fighting the public spotlight and she didn’t want to be anywhere near that… yet here she was.

Maybe the show was a flop!

No… that couldn’t be. Just the looks on Tom and Brian’s faces after they looked at the ratings reports verified the show was a hit. Which meant…

Her tears started anew.

She was probably the laughingstock of her hometown.

Her family and friends.

Memes of all sorts had probably already been made of the idiotic comments she made thinking she was on a job show instead of a dating show.

She was now the official laughingstock of the world.

“Evie!” Lake said loudly, bringing her back to the present.

Evie told Lake everything that had occurred, including her new recent fears. Lake assured her that he just scrolled his phone and didn’t see any new memes of her plastered all over social media.

“I have to be in court in two hours,” Lake replied after Evie was done talking. “I’ll have Tom email me your contract and I’ll look it over. I’m pretty sure there is a way to get you out of this contract, but I need to read it first.”

“Oh Lake! You are my lifesaver!”

“Don’t praise me yet, sis. I’ll see what I can do, and I’ll do my best to be there around 6:00 tonight and do my magic.”

“What do I do in the meantime?”

“Please put Tom back on the phone.”

Evie set the telephone down on the desk and went to call Tom and Brian.

“Lake wants to speak with you, Tom,” Evie said.

“Thanks.” Tom walked over to the desk and picked up the phone and put it back on speaker. “Tom Berks, here. You’re on speakerphone.”

“Thanks, Tom. Will you please email me a copy of Evie’s contract?”

“Sure, but just so you know… I wrote the contract and it’s tight.”

“Can’t hurt to try,” Lake mused. “Also, I want to come by this evening and check in with my client. I have to be in court in two hours, so I’m thinking 6:00.”

“I’ll be here.”

“What will my client be doing in the meantime?”

“Evie will need to continue socializing, as stated in the contract.” Tom looked at Evie. “Were you invited to lunch?”

“No,” Evie replied.

“That’s good for you, but if you’re invited to dinner, you’ll need to accept. It’s in the contract.”

“All right,” Evie consigned. “Anything else I might have missed in the contract? Do I need to sell my left kidney if he asks? State my political party? Give away the rights to my firstborn child?”

Tom laughed. “Nothing so dire, but I will print out the rules of engagement… which by the way, you agreed to it when you signed,”

Evie looked at another paper with another sticky note that had her signature highlighted. It was titled: Rules of Engagement. Evie sighed deeply as she began to read.
