Page 52 of The Host

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Matt stopped dancing, but they continued to hold on to each other for a few moments longer. Evie was the stronger of the two as she stepped back, but they did not release each other.

“Do you think your lawyer is here?”

Evie nodded.

“If he can’t release you from your contract, would you like me to do it?”

It pained him to ask, but if he could release her from some place she truly didn’t want to be… he would do it.

For her.

Evie’s eyes filled with tears and then she turned around and ran from him.

Chapter 9

Lake finished watching the opening live airing of the show his sister had unwittingly signed up for and shook his head in disbelief… only Evie could do this. He held in his laughter when she answered the question about whether or not she believed in love at first sight during the limousine ride to the mansion. He couldn’t hold in his laughter when the producer showed him the unseen part where the two girls laughed uncontrollably when Evie wondered why the women would behave in such provocative ways on a job reality show.

His sister.

You had to love her!

And if his intuition was correct, this Matt guy was already in love with her.

The way he looked at her when she stepped out of the limousine. It was undeniable. It’s the same look his dad gives his mom, his two brothers give their wives and his two brothers-in-law to his sisters. If only Evie and Matt had met under different circumstances.

Lake knew Evie had just broken off an engagement and he just found out earlier that day she had lost her job. Their dad was frantic with worry when Lake told them she had unwittingly signed up for a dating reality show. Lake reassured both his parents that despite Evie’s airheaded, sometimes ditzy personality, holding strong to her beliefs and virtues was not an issue.

In fact, Evie could stand to ease up a little on the exactness of her strict path. She often times tended to miss out on special, tender moments because she was too worried about being the perfect daughter of God.

“So, what do you think?”

Lake turned from watching the computer monitor of Matt and Evie meeting for the first time… again… and looked at Tom Becks.

“The contract is iron-clad, my friend. What are you going to tell your sister?”

“You do know how to write a contract.”

“They don’t pay me the big bucks to not know what I’m doing.”

“You’d be surprised,” Lake commented.

“That is true. So… what are you going to do?” Tom asked again.

“I have an idea, but I want to speak with her first. I also took the time to scan social media and my sister seems to be a fan favorite.”

“She’s number one. It appears that despite her awkward answers, they all loved her sincerity and ease.”

“What a shock next week when they find out she signed up through her roommate.”

“Our ratings are going to go through the roof.”

“And I’m assuming you’ll be airing the conversation she just had with Matt… as well as the dance they just shared?”


“Does he have sole discretion on who he releases to send home, or does he have to discuss it with you first?”

“He has sole discretion. We have a few people on staff that might encourage him to lean one direction or another, but we do not tell him who he should invite or release.”
