Page 71 of The Host

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“That took longer than expected. Did you encounter anyone?” Evie prodded.

Saylor just smiled.

Darn her.

Being married to Ryker had taught Saylor how to be a vault at the most inopportune times.

“Eat!” Saylor insisted. “You’re hangry.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice.”

Shortly after she ate, there was a knock on the door.

Saylor opened it and Michele walked in holding multiple garment bags.

“I come bearing gifts!” she greeted.

Michele gently laid the bags on the bed and then looked at Evie.

“Awe!” she mused. “You were right to trust your sister with your hair. May I?” she asked, wanting to look at her new haircut.

“Sure,” Evie said, sitting down on the bench.

Michele gathered many different sections of her hair and meticulously looked at the cut and style and then stepped back. “Well done, Evie’s sister. Well done!”

“And you are?” Saylor inquired.

“I’m Michele… at your service. I have brought multiple different gowns.”

“Michele insisted the show pay for some gowns as restitution,” Evie clarified.

“Because they allowed someone with such deviant behavior in their soul on the show,” Michele corrected.

“Does she get to keep them?” Saylor asked.

“That depends on whether or not Evie likes them.”

Evie just remembered the problem she had on the first day with finding a dress that was modest.

“And don’t you worry,” Michele blinked. “I know you’re Jewish… or something to that effect!”

Evie wasn’t surprised to hear that Michele knew this piece of information. She had a feeling that either Michele had ears everywhere, or she had frequent discussions with a certain someone.

As Michele unzipped each dress, Evie couldn’t stop the giddy feeling that overcame her. She was sorely tempted to feel a little like Cinderella with Michele as her fairy godmother.

After a dress was chosen for the evening, Michele hung the remaining dresses in the closet and excused herself. Saylor had Evie sit in the oversized chair so she could give her a facial.

“Oh!” Saylor yelped.

“What?” Evie pitched forward in her chair in surprise. “What happened?”

“I forgot to give you something from Matt.”

“So, you did see him!”

Saylor pinched her lips closed and looked sheepishly. Saylor handed her a letter and smiled. “He was anxious for you to get this. I’ll leave you alone while you read.”

After Saylor closed herself in the bathroom, Evie carefully broke the seal and read the letter.
