Page 72 of The Host

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Sweet Evie,

I have been informed that our one-on-one is being pushed to the evening. I sincerely hope that you are not sick and just needed some alone time. I completely understand. This has been an emotional rollercoaster, especially for you.

I want you to know that I think of you often. I love your smile, your laugh, your simpleness, and your spitfire. I also love your passion for food. I enjoy watching you eat.

I know this isn’t where you had hoped to find someone, and I fear that when things from my past are brought to light, the smile in your eyes when you look at me will no longer be there.

You have stories you don’t want to share with cameras blaring and I have stories that I don’t want to share, so I pray that we will both be patient until our overnighter where we can both feel free to talk with one another without the cameras on.

If you don’t want to wait until then, please let me know tonight and I’ll send you home. I don’t want to keep you any longer if you truly don’t want to be here.

I’ll be waiting at the bottom of the stairs, not so very patiently, at 7:00 for our date.



Evie wiped away the tears that fell and carefully folded up the letter. She stood up and carefully tucked the letter safely with the other ones in her suitcase.

She would stay.

She would let Matt know she, too, wanted to stay.

“Are you done out there?” Saylor cried from the bathroom.

Evie giggled. “Yes, come on out!”

Saylor opened the door, looked at Evie who was smiling, and then plopped herself on the bed. She leaned on her side and looked at Evie. “What in the world do you do all day? No TV, no phone? I’m bored!”

“Where’s your phone?” Evie asked.

“They confiscated it. I guess they didn’t trust me to not use it.”

“They chose wisely,” Evie laughed as she looked at the alarm clock next to the bed. At least this room had an alarm clock. She had three more hours until she met Matt.

“Did that lovely letter say anything interesting?”

“My date is at 7:00.”

A pillow was flung at Evie and Evie busted out in laughter.

“Are you hungry yet?” Saylor asked.

Evie paused for a moment. It was only 4:00, and usually, her stomach growls started around that time. “Not yet,” she replied.

“Why don’t you come lay down and rest and I’ll go scavenge up some food.”

Before either one could say or do something, a knock was heard on the door. They stared at each other. What else could be needed?

Saylor opened the door and laughed. She reached out and pulled in a cart on wheels that was laden with all kinds of food. A sticky note was attached to a bowl that had a huge slice of chocolate cake.

“Looks like he left you another love note!” Saylor teased.

Evie leaped out of bed and went to the door as Saylor closed it. She grabbed the sticky note and smiled. This note was handwritten and not printed by a computer. Staring at his own handwriting sent odd sensations throughout her body.

She might have giggled.

Here’s some food. Eat something before we have our date so your stomach doesn’t talk back. But don’t eat too much. I hope you like Italian. And share with your sister. She looks like she could use some food as well. Until 7:00.
