Page 80 of The Host

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“Can I get some water?” he pleaded.

Carl motioned for someone to bring him some water and after Matt downed more than half of it, he went back to staring at Verlia and Evie.

Then the thought occurred to him that he needed to pray.

“Prayer didn’t help you all those years ago when you needed God the most!” a snickering voice within heckled.

“But I did hear you,” another voice said calmly. “And I heard the prayer you uttered a couple of weeks ago. I’m with you. I will help you.”

“As if he’ll help you. You’re too far gone to have God talk to you. He’ll never forgive you!”

“You are my child, Matthew, and I am here for you.”

Matt stared around him wondering if anyone else could hear the voices inside his head, but all he saw was Verlia who was about ready to pass out, and Evie whose look of concern for him made him almost fall to his knees and announce he loved her.

He knew that wouldn’t bode well for him, so he took some courage and asked God, “What do I do with Evie? Should I let her go home? Or do I ask her to stay?”

“Ask her to stay,” came the voice.

“But she doesn’t want to stay,” Matt argued.

“Trust me,” the inner voice continued. “There are times we need to get off the road we’re on because we need to slow down and regroup. Other times we just need to keep pushing forward. Just like during traffic jams… eventually, the road will clear up and you can look back and say, “I got through that and now I know I can do other hard things.”

Matt nodded his head. “Thank you,” he mouthed silently, looking heavenward.


Evie stepped forward and mouthed, “Are you okay?”

Matt smiled and nodded. “More than okay. I’ll tell you tomorrow. Will you stay?”

Evie let out a little sob but nodded once.


Matt and Evie turned to see who yelled out.

It was Verlia.

“She doesn’t even want to be here… and you’re keeping her?”

“I’m sorry, Verlia,” Matt replied.

“This is a joke. This show is a joke! I’m glad to be out of here!”

Verlia dramatically exited the great room, slammed the door behind her, and screamed.

Everyone stood in silence for a few moments until Callie started laughing. Eventually, everyone else joined in.

Callie and Baylor both hugged Evie and asked her what had happened to her hair. Matt didn’t miss the look of disgust on Neveah’s face at the mention of Evie’s hair and Aaliyah took advantage of Matt not having anyone close to him to ask him if he’d like to go for a walk.

He accepted, but before he left for that walk, he gave the other four women hugs. He intentionally kept Neveah’s hug safe, Callie and Baylor’s hugs were casual but he gave them each a kiss on the cheek and Evie’s hug left her holding onto Baylor’s arm.

He walked out with Aaliyah smiling like a little kid who just got a new toy.

Chapter 15

Evie plopped herself back on the bed after picking up an invitation that had been pushed under the door. She gently broke the seal and read the letter.
