Page 91 of The Host

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“Cody,” Evie warned slightly.

“Why don’t you show Matt around the house while we put some refreshments in the family room,” Kimi stated. “Come boys, I need your help!”

“I’m not a boy anymore,” Wyatt whined.

“I included your father in that comment,” Kimi laughed as they left Evie and Matt in the hallway.

“It’s weird having you here,” Evie admitted.

“But you’re glad I’m here?” he asked.

Evie nodded. “Yes, I am.”

Evie received a chaste kiss for her comment.

“Show me around your home.”

“Well…” Evie thought to herself. “The time is now or never.” She was determined to point out every religious artifact in her home and observe Matt’s reactions intensely.

“Here,” she motioned with her arms, “is the entryway. Her arms glided past the very large picture of the Fresno temple hanging in front of them. She noticed Matt looking at the picture, but there was no expression on his face except a smile.

“Up there,” she pointed to a little balcony on the second floor, “is a small reading nook, and over here,” she pointed to the other side of the entryway, “is where my dad likes to read in the morning.”

She took Matt by the hand and followed him to that room. It was adjoined to a formal living space. “This is our living room and here are pictures of all my married siblings.”

Evie wanted Matt to look at these pictures. Evie’s siblings and their spouses had taken pictures in front of the temple of their choice on their wedding day.

“Tell me about them,” Matt encouraged.

Evie looked at a cameraman and stared straight into the camera. “You’ll have to have permission from each of my siblings if you want to air any of this information.”

Matt’s eyes widened and then he looked at Evie with a new sense of awe. “You are a bold one!” he smiled.

“Being the second youngest, it’s a survival skill!” she teased.

“This is the oldest, Renee, and her husband Hadley. They have five children. She just gave birth to a pair of twin boys. They live in Utah.”

Evie stared at Matt. Large family. Living in Utah. Picture in front of the Salt Lake City temple. Thathadto give him some sort of a hint.




“Next is Shayla. Her husband is Kieran and he’s an Earl in Ireland.”

“Royalty?” Matt asked in dismay.

“Yep, and they have two children.”

“And they live permanently in Ireland?”

“Yep. They’re both professors.”

“And royalty,” Matt added. “I can see your hesitancy with being in the limelight.”

“Oh,” Evie smirked. “I've only started.”
