Page 95 of The Host

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He was feeling the tug to revisit the path he had followed when he was a kid.

After his mom had passed away… and left him with a hole in his heart… he was absolutely certain that an unseen Being wouldn’t be able to mend it.

Nor did that unseen Being care that his heart was in pain.

But recent experiences with listening to what could only be identified as the Holy Ghost, started him thinking that he might have been wrong.

And with a certain beautiful young woman who had unwittingly crossed his path, he felt it was worth the effort to find out for himself where his faith lay.

Then he looked at his sister.

And he shook his head in disbelief.

He couldn’t wait for the moment Evie walked in and saw her roommate standing in his childhood home.


Amanda deserved the tongue lashing he was sure Evie would hurl her way the moment she realized they were related. He would make sure Evie wasn’t wearing her spurs when or if those words started hurling. The look of disgust that currently spread across his sister’s face almost made him laugh out loud.

“I still can’t believe you haven’t sent her home?” she uttered in disbelief.

“I can’t believe,” interrupted John, their dad, talking to Amanda, “that you sent her on this roller coaster ride thinking she had joined a job search show.”

“I can’t believe Amanda signed up for this show in the first place!” Emma uttered.

“Can you imagine what would have happened if Amanda hadn’t looked at her email and seen Matt’s face? She would have shown up on the first night of the show, elegantly getting out of the limo, and boom… seen him standing there,” Leah roared with laughter.

Matt shuttered in disgust.

Amanda shuttered in disgust.

Leah laughed, again.

“And she, being an active member of the church,” John sighed in disbelief.

A crewmember cleared his throat.

“I signed that blasted piece of paper with the assurance that I would not be required to limit what I can and cannot say in my own home!” John almost hollered.

“Besides, Dad,” Amanda continued, ignoring her dad’s outburst. “Evie needed a break from her life. And I wanted her to enjoy at least a week in sunny Southern California. How was I to know they’d fall in love with each other?”

Matt couldn’t resist the urge to look at his dad. His dad didn’t need to say anything, but his thoughts were clear. His dad still didn’t believe that someone like Evie, a good little Mormon girl, would ever fall for his wayward son.

A son who yelled inexcusable things to his dad as he ran out of the house the moment he graduated from high school.

A son who turned to drugs, alcohol, premarital sex, and tattoos.

A son who didn’t want anything to do with the church.

“Well, I for one,” Emma began, “am excited to meet her. From what Amanda has told us about her, she seems wonderful.”

“You’ll fall in love with her immediately,” Matt affirmed. “And just in case you already didn’t know, Dad,”

John looked at Matt.

“She’s a vet and specializes in horses.”

“Amanda did share that bit of information.”
