Page 109 of If We Say Goodbye

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“Don’t worry. I won’t let you forget anytime soon.”

“Speaking of cheesy, do you want to hang out tomorrow?”

He laughs. “Did you just ask me out?”




“What did you want to do?” he asks.

Caleb is the romantic. He loves planning dates and hogging all the sweet talk. I’ve heard that people tend to do for others what they wish someone would do for them. What better way to show him how much he means to me than by planning the date myself?

“It’s a surprise.”


I’m terrible at surprises,and the real reason I called it a surprise was because I had no plan yet. I spent hours trying to decide what we should do, only to come to the conclusion that I bit off more than I could chew. I drifted to sleep sometime after midnight without a clue what I was going to do.

When I woke up the next morning, I threw off my covers and darted downstairs as quickly as possible. My only hope is in the kitchen making breakfast—Mom.

She’s humming a song off tune while standing at the sink, washing the large bowl she used for pancakes.

I lean on the counter beside her.

“Hey, you’re up early,” she says.

I shrug. “I guess so.”

She smiles and continues to scrub.

“Uh, Mom?” I force my words out. “I wanted to go do something fun with Caleb, but I don’t know what we should do. Do you have any ideas?”

She immediately turns off the water and points a soapy, bubble covered finger at herself. “Are you asking me for date ideas?” Her giddy face reminds me of a child that’s been given a bucket of candy.

I inch further away. “Not necessarily a date. Just something fun.”

She grabs a kitchen towel and pats her hands dry. “Well, you came to the right place because I have a million ideas.” She pinches my cheek. “This is so exciting. My little girl is asking me for dating advice.”

I wave her down. “Calm down. I only need help thisone time.”

She doesn’t hear that, or if she did, she chooses to ignore it. “There’s the mall. You guys could go down there and shop.” She clicks her tongue. “Or you could go to the theater and watch a movie.”

I groan, throwing my head back. “I’ve thought of all of those already. The mall won’t work because it’s always packed on the weekends, and besides, I hate shopping. And then I checked the movies playing today, and they’re all either lame or rated R—no in between.”

“Well, let me think.” She taps her chin and then claps her hands together. “I have it. The perfect place.” She pauses for dramatic effect.

I nod and lean forward, gesturing for her to continue. “And it is?”

As soon as she smirks, I know this is going to be something that’ll test my boundaries.

Her hands fan out in front of her. “Ice skating.”

I cringe. I haven’t done that in years. What if my feet forgot how to do it? Or what if I slice my hand on someone’s skates? That’s a very valid fear of mine that’s plagued me every time I’ve gone.

“Think about it. The rink is never that busy, so you won’t have to deal with a lot of people. Plus, it’s right next to that cute Italian restaurant, so you could go get something to eat after.”
