Page 41 of Amid Our Lines

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Eric waved a distracted hand. “Condom?”

Hmm? Oh. No rush, was there?

Adrian pressed his teeth to a spot below Eric’s ear. “Only if you tell me this is a one-time thing. Then yes, I’ll want whatever you’ll give me.”

“It’s not a one-time thing?” Eric’s voice was rougher than usual, nails digging into Adrian’s back.

“Do you want it to be?” Adrian raised his head, and Eric blinked up at him.

“I thought you did?”

“No. What gave you that impression?” Adrian certainly hadn’theld back about how much he wanted Eric. He hadeyes, for fuck’s sake.

“You said something about wanting to keep this a secret?” Eric loosened his hold on Adrian, skimming a hand along the line of his spine and down. It tickled. “So I thought you meant just the once.”

“I didn’t.”

“Oh.” Eric’s expression suggested he was reviewing the last half hour, and no, that just wouldn’t do—Adrian wanted Eric’s focus on him. So he caught both of Eric’s wrists and pressed down for a wet, open-mouthed kiss. Seconds slid by, or minutes, harsh breaths and warm sounds, Eric shifting to meet Adrian each time he bore down. Fuck, so good.

And wait, there’d been a point Adrian had meant to make. Right?

“Okay.” He turned his head to drag his lips along Eric’s cheek. “Just putting things out there, just so we’re clear. Friends with benefits?”

That was, after all, what Eric was looking for—casual. Adrian could do casual. He was thekingof casual.

“Have you done that before?” Eric asked, and, well.

“Kind of.” Adrian shrugged. “Like, repeat hookups with the same guy when we were both drunk, that kind of thing. I wouldn’t call him a friend.”

Was Eric a friend? Probably. At least Adrian was beginning to consider him one.

“I’ve never done that.” Eric’s voice came with a tinge of self-deprecation. “Not sure I’m gonna be very good at it. I seem to have a tendency to catch feelings, except I’m the only one who does.”

Words. Adrian would like to haveso many wordswith Eric’s exes.

“Well, how about this?” He gave one of Eric’s wrists a light squeeze. “We just see how it goes. And anytime one of us wants to stop? Done, no questions asked.” Adrian doubted it would be him. Hey, a beautiful boy in his bed on a regular basis—what’s not to like?

Something ghosted over Eric’s features, there and gone, before he smiled. “Deal.”

“Deal,” Adrian echoed and brought Eric’s wrists up on the bed sohe could get proper leverage. He executed a slow, deliberate roll of his hips that made sparks catch in his chest, glorious friction, fuckyes. The way Eric was staring at him, mouth slightly open for a shuddery exhalation, made Adrian feel a little light-headed. He curved down to nip at the spot under Eric’s ear—warm, pale skin and Eric justlettinghim, his head angled for better access, trusting Adrian’s lead. So good. So, so good, and Christ, Adrian was looking forward to more of this. However long Eric would stay, Adrian was so there.

He let go of one wrist to reach between them, got one hand around both their dicks to line them up properly. Purposeful now, no longer the erratic grinding of hips from before, and the contact made him hiss through his teeth while Eric threw his head back, eyes slipping shut. A squeeze and another, and Eric shuddered with each touch, his breath coming in short bursts.

More. Rustle of sheets, working up a rhythm. Adrian watched Eric’s face and felt drunk with the view.

He tightened his fingers, grip slipping a little. A swipe of his thumb over the head of Eric’s cock gathered slick pre-come, and he adjusted his hold, movements becoming faster, less consistent—desperation blurred the contours of any claim he could lay on precision. He caught the building tension in Eric’s muscles, heightened pace and sharp gasps pointing to an impending release, Eric’s eyebrows pulling together in what looked close to agony.Come on.

Eric shuddered, hips twitching each time Adrian tightened his grip. His breath came in short bursts, and Adrian was lost, too focused on Eric’s pleasure to take stock of the sharp tug of heat that made his own stomach clench.

A violent tremor ran through Eric. Then he shook apart, his choked groan shockingly loud in the quiet air, turning his face into the pillow as he spilled between them. Beautiful, fuck. Adrian sat back on his haunches, fingers slippery as he quickly worked to finish himself off too, Eric staring up at him through half-lidded eyes. So fuckingclose.

“Let me see you,” Eric muttered, voice hushed.

Maybe it was that, or maybe it was the way Ericsmiled up at him, brilliant warmth as though at least in that moment, Adrianmattered. The thought snapped through him like lightning. He fell forward as he added to the mess on Eric’s belly, forehead tipping onto Eric’s shoulder.

He caught his breath in bits and pieces, gentle fingers carding through his hair.Different. Usually, this was when Adrian would be on his way out the door, thanks and see ya. This was his room though, his bed, and he didn’t feel like going anywhere.

“I may need to clean up a little before I go.” Eric’s tone carried humour, and it took a moment before it made sense.
