Page 42 of Amid Our Lines

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Right. Of course he’d go back to his own room—it had simply slipped Adrian’s mind. Just the afterglow playing tricks on him.

He raised his head for a smile. “I’ll get you a towel. Least I can do.”


“No need to sound so surprised.”

The corners of Eric’s eyes crinkled, and fuck, he was lovely. “No, it’s nice. Just not what I expected.”

“Kevin Pine totally would have fetched you a towel, too.” The joke was par for the course, in line with their previous interactions, but it resonated oddly in Adrian’s chest after it was out. He’d been with plenty of guys who got off on the echo of an adolescent fascination, and it had never bothered him. So what if Eric’s teenage memories were part of the intrigue?

Yet it didn’t sit right with Adrian.

To quiet his brain, he moved up for another leisurely kiss. Eric turned into it easily, one hand still tangled in Adrian’s hair, fingers moving in gentle circles that slowed down Adrian’s thoughts. Sleepiness crept in, and he needed to get up, he really did, but oh, he was comfortable.

He almost asked Eric to stay before he remembered that he shouldn’t. With some effort, he pulled away. “Okay, let me get you that towel.”

“Thank you.”

Naked, a hint chilly now that the buzz was ebbing away, Adriancrossed over to the bathroom and quickly wiped himself down before he ran warm water over a towel and brought it back to the bedroom. Eric sat up, looking slightly uncertain. On the threshold, Adrian paused to smile at him.

Predictably, Eric ducked his head even as he smiled back. “What’s the holdup?”

“Just enjoying the view.” Adrian bridged the distance to the bed and handed over the towel, watching with unabashed interest as Eric cleaned himself off. When Eric reached for his clothes, Adrian made a sad sound that made Eric chuckle, any uncertainty falling away.

“I can hardly make a naked dash for it. What if your parents catch me?”

“My mum would applaud and my dad would politely inquire whether he should put condoms on the shopping list.”

Eric buttoned up his jeans but paused for a grin. “Your family is special.”

“Don’t I know it.” Adrian let affection colour his voice. He reached for a pair of pyjama bottoms and tugged them on, socks too, and waited for Eric to finish getting dressed before he walked him to the door.

“See you tomorrow?” he asked, then realised that was stupid because of course he would.

“Yes,” Eric said simply. He seemed undecided for a second before he leaned in for a quick peck of Adrian’s cheek. Another smile, and he was gone, the door closing behind him.

Adrian didn’t move for a second, strange unease clinging to him. He shook it off like cobwebs.

It was all good.


When Eric woke up, the snowstorm had dwindled to huge, thick flakes that floated past his window. The world was covered in a sheet of white, mountains a hazy outline against a sky that showed patches of blue. In the brightness of this new day, it felt surreal to think he’d been in Adrian’s bed last night—that it wasn’t a fever dream his brain had cooked up.

It had happened, though. And they’d agreed it would happen again.

No one seemed to be awake yet when Eric ventured down to the ground floor for a cup of tea. With the porcelain warming his hands, he stepped outside for a minute, immediately shivering in the cold air, errant snowflakes catching in his lashes and melting on his forehead. The silence was so enormous it felt like a physical presence, the road hidden under a layer of snow. A world on hold.

When the door opened behind him, he knew it was Adrian before he even turned his head. His stomach tightened a little—not with nerves, he didn’t think so. Anticipation, maybe.

“G’morning,” Adrian mumbled, voice still edged with a hint of sleep.

Eric shifted to face him. “Morning. Beautiful, isn’t it?”

A small grin curled Adrian’s mouth as he sent Eric a significantlook. “Sure is.” The effect was lessened by how he yawned immediately after, and Eric chuckled.


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