Page 94 of Amid Our Lines

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“The British guy will sing a song about me?”

Eric’s mouth curved into a small grin. “That okay with you?”

“Yeah. Honestly, it’s a bit neat.” Adrian spread his fingers to cup Eric’s arse through his boxers, nails digging in enough to hint at intent. “You know, maybe we should change the plan.”We. He didn’t correct himself. “Forget corporate retreats—let’s target musicians in need of inspiration.”

Eric pursed his mouth, eyes turning thoughtful.

“I’m kidding,” Adrian told him.

“But it couldwork.” Eric twined his fingers into the hair at the nape of Adrian’s neck and gave a small tug. His gaze was focused. “I’m not exactly unknown, so that could be a hook. In fact, Max even offered that we can use his name.”

“Use his name?” Adrian asked. “What for?”

Eric lifted one shoulder, a sheepish look crossing his face. “Promoting the Gletscherhaus.”


“As long as I prioritise collaborations with him, yeah.”

Adrian wasn’t quite ready to wrap his mind around that. Some other time—like when he wasn’t distracted by having Eric in his lap, for instance. He tilted his hips up just enough to make a point, letting his voice go slow and deep. “You are kind of a big deal, huh?”

“Now you’re getting it.” The words were offset by the self-deprecating edge to Eric’s voice because, well, of course. Adrian intended totrain him out of that, but it wouldn’t be an overnight process. And maybe that was okay. Maybe there was time.

For now, he drew Eric down for a kiss that didn’t bother with niceties—open and deep from the first touch of their mouths, a slow fire that licked at Adrian’s belly.

“Bed?” he asked, thoughtour bedand didn’t quite dare to say it.

Eric’s teeth dragged along the line of Adrian’s jaw, nipped at the shell of his ear. Then Eric straightened and sent Adrian a look that was both challenging and sweet.



Adrian didn’t know how many people he’d slept with. There were his personal hook-ups, and then there were the ones he’d got paid for—five years with ErosElite that included several three- and foursomes, along with one seven-way that had taken two days to film, cameras and winking bum holes wherever he turned. It had won them a Group Scene of the Year award. Martin called it their magnum opus; Adrian mostly remembered it as a naked game of Twister.

This felt more intimate than the entire sum of his previous experience.

Tangled on the bed, they’d shucked their shoes, socks, and jeans. Jumpers and boxers protected them from a slight but insistent draft that Adrian would need to trace back to its source. Later, though. For now, he was lost in the lingering twine of their tongues, slow and syrupy, as if they had all the time in the world. Settled between Adrian’s spread thighs, Eric had one of Adrian’s wrists pinned above his head. Solid heat. Adrian skimmed his free hand up Eric’s back, finding warm, smooth skin underneath his clothes.All mine.

Eric broke their kiss to exhale against Adrian’s cheek, voiceslightly rougher than usual. “Just so we’re clear, I quit the job. I’ll still help, of course. But I don’t want your money.”

It took Adrian a moment to focus against the backdrop rush of simmering need. “That’s not fair. You can’t just work for free.”

Eric’s smile was nearly stolen away by the fading light. “It’s called being in a relationship, love. I don’t work for you—I’m sharing your load.”


Adrian twisted, using his legs to flip them over. Stretching out on top, he captured Eric’s lips for a soft, barely-there brush that left him aching for more even as he pulled back slightly. “Okay, so. That’s—yes. To the relationship thing. Because I love you—so, of course.”Eloquence? Sorry, we’re fresh out.He met Eric’s eyes and grinned. “But also, no sharing. My load is only yours, for as long as you want it.”

Eric’s laugh feathered over Adrian’s chin. “Such a romantic.”

“Oh, baby—I’m just getting started.” With that, Adrian ground down, a spark of heat chasing up his spine as Eric’s lids fluttered, breath escaping in a rush. That was good, that was nice. But it wasn’t as good as the idea of leaving a love bite on Eric’s chest, below the line of his collar. Somehow, once Adrian’s mind latched onto the thought, it refused to let go. Because that was a relationship thing, wasn’t it? Tangible evidence that said ‘I was here’ and ‘hands off’ to anyone who dared venture too close.

Adrian leaned over to flick on the lamp on the bedside table, its soft glow washing over the room and Eric’s features. He clasped Eric’s upper arms to help him sit up a little, then tugged the T-shirt and jumper over his head.

“You too,” Eric said quietly, a request more than a question.

The lack of hesitation made Adrian smile.

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