Page 95 of Amid Our Lines

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“What’s so funny?” Eric asked, fingers playing with the hem of Adrian’s jumper. Adrian grasped it along with his T-shirt and pulled both off before he replied.

“Not funny. Just pleased to see you asking for what you want.”

“You want me to ask for what I want?”

“Yes.” Adrian dipped his head for a quick, playful peck. “What shall it be—my heart, my body, my bed? Just say the word.”

Eric flattened both palms against Adrian’s stomach, a challenging glint in his eyes. “All of that.”

“Done. What else?” Another quick peck, at odds with how Adrian felt like he was standing on the edge of a precipice. Like that time in Hawaii they’d gone bungee jumping—throwing himself into the abyss and trusting that the rope would hold.

Eric’s chin tilted up. “Kiss me like you mean it.”

“I can do that.” Adrian slanted his mouth over Eric’s, urgent, just a tinge of desperation. Eric responded instantly, back arched, fingers digging into Adrian’s back.Freefalling. Time ebbed and swelled to the thudding of Adrian’s heart in his chest.

He pulled away only to move down Eric’s body—nibbled at his chin, then let his teeth drag over Eric’s Adam’s apple before he picked a spot just above the collarbone. Yes, that would do. With a soft intake of air, he latched onto the skin, working gently to mark but not harm. Eric tilted his head back with a ragged breath, released in a rush.

“Are you—” He cut himself off when Adrian pulled back to press his thumb against the reddish mark and ground his hips down at the same time.

Adrian tried and probably failed to hide the smug note in his voice. “Yes, babe?”

“Are you actually marking me up?” Eric sounded mostly amused and a hint incredulous.

“Absolutely.” Adrian raised his head to send Eric a brilliant smile that Eric countered with a bright look.

“How old are you again?”

“Is that a trick question?”

Adrian’s world tilted in a sudden lurch when Eric rolled them over again. The lamp cast amber highlights onto Eric’s face, his eyes warm. “Not that I don’t enjoy your mark on me.” The words were quiet, fond. “But since Kojo will tease me like there’s no tomorrow, the least you can do is explain what’s going on in that clever head of yours.”

It pulled Adrian up short. “I guess I just… I wanted some kind of proof that you’re mine?” He cringed once it was out—that was some possessive caveman crap right there, nothing he’d ever thought he’d hear himself say.

Eric smiled, though. “I am.”

Adrian’s heart slid into his throat where it continued its regularly scheduled service. “It goes both ways. I’m yours, too.”

“Good,” Eric said simply, but his fingers tightened around Adrian’s shoulders, gaze focused on Adrian with dark intensity. Fuck, Adrian wanted him. He couldn’t imagine ever not.

He hooked his thumbs under the band of Eric’s boxers, waiting to lock eyes before pulling them down. Eric lifted up to make it easier, then dealt with getting them all the way off. He came back immediately, no hesitation as he sat himself down on Adrian’s clothed cock. Hissing out a breath, Adrian reached for him, one hand curving around Eric’s waist, the other cupping his arse, thumb nudging between his crack.


“What,” Adrian began, and Eric grinned, bright-eyed and gorgeous.

“I thought you might be a bit angry with me—just wanted to be prepared for make-up sex. It’s been a couple of hours, but I should still be loose enough.”

Holy shit. So, earlier in the kitchen, and then the whole time they’d been with Max and Lucas—all the while, Eric had been ready to take Adrian. And how… Had he used a toy he’d brought, or had he helped himself to the contents of Adrian’s bedside table like Adrian had invited him to a few days ago? He’d been mostly joking because he didn’t think Eric would actually do it.

“That’s…” Adrian needed tothinkpast the southwards rush of blood. “Hot. Yeah. Just…God, Eric.”

“Words, love. They’re your friends.” There was a teasing curl to Eric’s lips, one hand flattening against Adrian’s ribs. Maybe he could feel the way Adrian’s heart was beating because his face went soft. “Yeah, all right. So, I’d like you to fuck me, please?”

The ‘please’ did something funny to Adrian’s insides, his intestines getting all weird and twisty for a second. He framed Eric’s face with both hands and tugged him in for a kiss, stopping to nibble at his lower lip. The gentle bite made Eric curve further into Adrian, time slipping away like sand washed into the sea by an incoming wave.Oceanic.

A twist of Adrian’s hips met no resistance, Eric allowing Adrian to reverse their positions. After shucking his boxers, Adrian settled between Eric’s legs and pressed his hips down. Eric’s thighs fell open as a husky, half-stifled moan escaped him.

Another roll of Adrian’s hips as he reached for the bedside table—multitasking like apro, hell yeah. His fingers grappled for the lube, found a condom right next to it, and did they really need that? With ErosElite, Adrian had followed a strict testing regimen and never outgrown the habit, irrespective of how he hadn’t gone without a condom since. And Eric… If Adrian knew anything about him, it was that he was the careful type. It had been, what, a month since they’d first tumbled into bed together? Ditching protection had never even come up.
