Page 30 of Elusive Surrender

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Alexis shakes her head and tilts it back to look at me better. There is no hesitation, she just simply forgot, and I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding until this very moment.

“Much better. Now I can see how you feel,” I tell her, caressing the softness of her cheek where a slight blush has tinted her otherwise creamy complexion.

“Before we talk about specific rules, let me first tell you that hurting you is not appealing to me in the slightest. Although, I will put you over my knee if you deserve it, and I will like it, but so will you.” I see her inhalation of breath, and Lexie closes her eyes briefly. For a moment, I think I’ve already lost her.

“I’ve always dreamed about being spanked, but not with belts, and most definitely not with a whip that doesn’t stop.”

I turn her to me. “I told you, Lex. My pleasure does not come from harming my submissive. I’m good with that. Let’s take this slow. If I spank you and you tell me to stop, I will do that immediately. I will never intentionally push you past your limits, but if I do, I will expect you to tell me to stop, understand? My rules are not harsh by any means of the imagination, of that you can be assured. I demand honesty and will return the same. I want to know where and who you are with at all times. I would want to make sure that your health and wellbeing are a priority, so well-balanced meals, regular checkups and such are part of the rules. I would want to be part of decisions that affect you regardless of what they are.”

She glances up at me with that, her eyes contemplative and full of emotion.

“Not to smother you, but to protect you from unforeseen pitfalls; that is all. I don’t need to have a stay at home submissive, although I’m not opposed to it. I am happy for my submissive to have a full-time career as long as we remain the priority and we discuss important decisions, especially ones that impact your safety, wellbeing, or our relationship.”

She nods, and her breathing has shallowed. “I like those rules.” Her pulse is still throbbing, though, and it’s like everything about this woman sends a direct current of sexual energy straight to my cock, which is throbbing with the soft curve of her ass so close to the crotch of my pants.

“Let me ask you a question. Did it embarrass you when I fed you this evening?” I already know the answer because her violet-blue eyes turn smoky with need, a soft flush creeps up her neck, and that same red hue dots her cheeks.

She nods, and this is going to be one of those teaching moments. “I want you to tell me if it embarrassed you. I want to hear it from your voice, not with a shake of your head. Can you do that for me?”

It takes her less than a minute. “Oh, it embarrassed me alright,” Lexie remarks as her eyes light up with amusement. There she is. That sparkling, bubbly personality that captivated my attention is back. “But I really loved it, Sheldon. Seriously, no one has ever done that for me before. Was it your intent to embarrass me?” she asks, tilting her head to watch me as I contemplate the answer to her question.

I smile down at her and can’t resist capturing her pink, slightly parted lips with my own for a quick kiss. “Not at all, but I gathered it would be a new experience, and with that, perhaps embarrassing in terms of newness.”

Lexie nods, and her curls bounce with her enthusiasm. “Yes, that’s exactly what it was, but it wasn’t a nervous embarrassment. It was like a delicious excitement coupled with a wee bit of embarrassment,” she says, gesturing a pinch with her index finger and thumb.

“Good, then it won’t be a problem if I want to feed you in the future. As you’ve probably already gathered, I am bossy, controlling, and protective by nature. That’s part of who I am and not likely to change, Lex. This sexual energy between us is magnetic and special, but you should enter the relationship with eyes wide open. We can go as slow as you need and develop an understanding of our joint likes in that regard, and I think we both already know the sex is going to be good.”

Her blush turns deeper, and she keeps those deep violet-blue eyes focused on me the entire time.

“What I need to know, though, is how you feel about me protecting you outside of the bedroom? You’ve proven yourself a highly independent woman with a great mind. I would never try to diminish that in any way, but I am a very hands-on person. I was serious when I said that I would want to know where you’re going, when you’re going to be home, and be part of making decisions that I believe may pose a threat to you, whether that be personal, career, or financial. I’m looking for an all-in relationship. I’m a complex man, and again, the intent of my control is not to diminish your abilities, but to protect and care for your needs and help you achieve whatever you want in life. That’s the man I am, Lex. I’ve tried to tame that in the past, and it quickly resulted in a failed relationship.”

“There’s a difference in being able to stand on my own and wanting to. We’ve known each other for such a short time, so it’s hard to explain. I’m probably going to mess this up, but I’ve never felt so protected and secure. This thing between us is stronger than even I thought. I haven’t shared any of what happened to me before with anyone else, just you. Not even with Allie. She’s such a strong person, like seriously kick-ass strong. I don’t think she would understand how a woman can be so attracted to a man who wants control in everything. Hell, the attraction I have for you, someone that admittedly wants control, even scares me.”

“I won’t hurt you, Lex. The magnetism is not one sided, and there’s nothing to be frightened of from me,” I state, standing with her still in my arms, carrying her to the bedroom, and placing her on her feet in front of the bed before me.

“I promised you a first date, and you promised me a panty show. I want to unwrap you now,” I tell her, slipping my hands underneath her dress.

She lifts her arms for me, all the consent I need to remove it, leaving her presented to me in a white lacy bra and those delectable looking panties adorned with a red bow in the center.

I undo the front clasp, and the slight weight of her breasts causes her to bounce as the material falls away and exposes her creamy breasts to my gaze for the very first time. I pull her close, kissing her lips. “You are more perfect than my fantasies. We’re going to go slow tonight, learn a little about each other, but you should know in the near future I plan to claim your ass and then plug it with a long pink tail, Lex.”

She purrs and shivers in my arms as I kiss down the creamy column of her neck, turning my cock as hard as stone.

I take one of her deliciously pink tipped nipples into my mouth, and then the other, before kissing my way down her belly, savoring the way she shivers as I undress and slide to my knees before her.

“Watch while I unwrap you.” I slip my fingers under the dainty elastic of her lacy panties, sliding the silky material over her softly rounded hips, reveling in the creamy softness of her skin all the way down her toned legs and to the tips of her sparkly pink toes.

Her belly tightens with anticipation, and she trembles slightly against me.

I hold her steady, breathing in her delectable scent as she steps from the material pooled on the floor at her feet. I explore the ivory skin of her inner thighs, first with my fingers, savoring the smoothness before trailing its path with my tongue. Heat emanates from her center. I tease, stroking around her mound, but it’s a test of patience for both of us because the need to devour her is all consuming.

“Sheldon.” I watch her eyes dilate, turning hazy with need from below.

She whimpers softly. She begs so sweetly it’s impossible to resist. I answer her desire by running the tip of my tongue gently over her sweetness for the very first time.

Her hand tightens around the back of my head, while her other hand clutches my shoulder.

I explore, drinking her in, teasing her with my tongue before caressing the swollen nub that makes her moan, the sound sending a jolt of need straight to my cock. I lick her again the exact same way just so I can hear that sweet little sound again. The fingers around my neck tighten, grasping me as she accepts her pleasure.
