Page 58 of Touched Down

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Marjorie moves to the opposite end of the table, leaving the chair beside Eddie empty. "You can have my seat," she offers.

Jasmine tears her eyes away from Eddie and hesitates for a moment before walking over and taking a seat. "Sorry to barge in on your private family moment. The door was open, and I was invited, so I came on back like I usually do. I hope that was okay," she says, her voice slightly shaky.

"You're good," Eddie replies, his gaze fixed on Jasmine, his heart laid bare for all to see. “Come here.” He pats the seat Marjorie just abandoned.

"I heard a little of what you were saying as I came down the hallway, but I’m not sure I heard you correctly. Are you in love?" Jasmine asks once she sits down, her voice laced with curiosity.

Eddie never takes his eyes off of her. "I am.”

Jasmine’s eyes widen again. “Oh,” she replies simply. Ironically, she chose this day to wear her Tina Turner “What’s Love Got to Do With It?” t-shirt and a short, fitted black skirt, showcasing her long and fit Tina Turner legs.

Eddie takes one of her hands and holds it firmly in his grip. “I’m in love with you," he confesses once again, his voice filled with a raw vulnerability that echoes through the room, leaving us all breathless in its wake.

Jasmine's brows furrow, a mixture of emotions playing across her face. She takes a deep breath and responds, "Eddie, I appreciate your honesty, but I need time to process this.”

“Time?” Eddie echoes.

“Yes, time. When I was invited, I...well, I was expecting some of Marjorie's red velvet waffles and your mother’s bomb-ass eggs, but I didn't expect a confession of love." She gives me a ‘did you know anything about this’ look.

I respond with a ‘I found out when you did’ expression.

The room falls into an uncomfortable silence, the weight of Jasmine's directness hanging heavily. Eddie's expression shows hope tinged with a touch of fear. I can't tear my eyes away from them.

This time, Wayne breaks the silence. "Maybe you two need some time alone to discuss things.”

Marjorie, ever the nurturing presence, reaches out and squeezes Jasmine's hand. "Remember, dear, love can be unexpected. It takes time to navigate such emotions. Eddie has shown immense vulnerability in expressing his feelings."

Jasmine nods, her eyes meeting Eddie's with a hint of gentleness. “Let's talk about this privately, okay?" she suggests.

Eddie's face lights up, relief washing over him. "I would appreciate that. I had planned for us to talk privately once you got here. I didn’t know you would arrive so soon and let yourself in.”

Jasmine frowns. “I asked if it was a problem for me to let myself in. I always do.”

“No. It’s not a problem. It’s just that I didn’t want you to hear about my feelings like that. I wanted to tell you in private,” Eddie says.

The tense lines soften on Jasmine’s face. “Let’s talk about it then.”

With a collective sigh, the tension in the room dissipates. Wayne reaches for my hand underneath the table, offering a reassuring squeeze. We exchange a knowing glance, acknowledging the challenges ahead for Eddie and Jasmine.

As Eddie and Jasmine step away, finding a moment of privacy, I tell myself there is strength in our family bond, along with unconditional love and support. We stand united, ready to weather any storm. I tell myself these things because love, after all, is a complex word. It’s an even more complex living and breathing aura that moves faster than we can see. Perhaps, it’s caught my sister, who doesn’t know it yet. Or perhaps, Eddie’s heart is about to be shattered.

Episode 32


Sis, I Want Them Both

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. My mind has been conjuring up scenarios about how the night will end. I imagine walking into Allure, making good connections, and meeting women who could become forever friends. I also imagine this being a setup, a way for Moey to orchestrate another way to embarrass me.

The latter thought is probably me being paranoid. Either way, I know this night can go left and be stressful, or it could go right and be empowering.

After the defamation incident, where Moey Dash joined other bloggers to sabotage my reputation, I consider her an enemy. I have no idea why she—of all people—has chosen to be my enemy, but I'll have to face her again tonight. And the more I think about it, the more anxious I become.

Contrary to popular belief, I'm not attending this event to prove anything to anyone. I'm going not just because I could make some good connections, but because I am the future wife of the team's quarterback. Not only should I have an invitation to spaces that represent that position, but I also belong in those spaces.

I spend hours getting ready, choosing a sleek black dress that hugs my curves in all the right places. I let my hair down, and soft waves fall around my face. As I apply my makeup, I feel a sense of empowerment.

The doorbell rings as I am finishing up an application of lip gloss. I press the alert on my phone and open the surveillanceapp to see my sister’s face at the front door. Simultaneously, Marjorie peeks into the bathroom.

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