Page 44 of Cursed By the Veil

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“Oh, good. I’m glad you’re awake. It means that you have a sickness of the soul. I’m going to get the High Healer and some of my colleagues to see if they can help figure out what’s wrong. Please be patient with us, I’m sure we will get to the bottom of this.” He gave me a gentle smile, one that was supposed to be soothing, I was sure. In a flurry of his cream robes he left, closing the door quietly behind himself as he went.

Wyn and Van came and stood by my bed. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I’ve been stuffed into a pit of venomous vipers and bitten repeatedly.”

“Are you sure you don’t have a little bard in you? That was quite the description,” Van teased.

I laughed but it turned into a cough. Before I’d just been tired, drained beyond the point of exhaustion, but now there was pain as well. I wasn’t sure when it started, but it was becoming harder and harder to ignore with each passing moment.

They talked to me, but I may as well have been underwater for how well I could make out what they were saying. I tried to mumble an apology, but getting my mouth and lips to cooperate was more challenging than I expected.

The only thing that made it through the haze of pain I was now in was the concern in Wyn’s voice. Someone else said something, it must have been Van, but for a moment I thought it was Thorn, that he’d come back to me.

I should have known better.

One thing did bother me though. It was unlike Thorn to go back on his word. He’d told the king he would train me, and then had just disappeared. I guess he’d never specified when he would train me, but the immediacy had been implied.

Maybe I had implied it myself because that was what I’d wanted. I wanted an excuse to be around him, for us to touch and talk and without the training there was none.

It made a nasty thought arise within me. Maybe I was the only one who had ever had any real feelings between us? Had he just been needing a regular fuck? Was he just horny this whole time and I was a convenient way to alleviate that?

Nausea rolled through me, but I couldn’t tell if it was because of the dark turn my thoughts had taken or because of the pain that was becoming steadily more intense. Either way it was unpleasant.

I hadn’t even realized that I’d fallen asleep until the sound of voices drifted through to me once more. There was chanting that brought me around to full wakefulness.

“The member of the Sunkissed Court, Thorn, who was supposed to train her in the moon blades has been returned to the capital by his companion Ronan. We were informed that he collapsed in the forest while they were on the way to the Veil of Death. Do either of you know anything about that?” A feminine voice asked.

“No, all I know is that he was supposed to train her and never showed up,” Wyn answered.

I couldn’t see anyone who was speaking because I couldn’t get my eyes to open, but at least I could hear them now.

“He’s been unconscious for the last few days, the same as Senara. It’s suspicious to say the least,” the strange woman’s voice sounded again.

I’d been unconscious for days? It felt like no time had passed to me.

“Did you know she’s been calling for him in her sleep? When she’s closer to consciousness it seems like that’s when she’s able to speak again.”

I had been calling for him in my sleep? That wasn’t good.

Their voices faded again and I lost any sense of time and whether or not I was conscious. The next time I was sure I was at least conscious I vaguely heard chanting. It became clearer as I became more awake.

“Senara, can you hear me?” It was the woman’s voice again.

“Yes,” I croaked, though I hadn’t even thought about answering. My brain was too muddled for anything as complicated as whether or not to answer a question.

“Were you ever intimate with Thorn?”

The question hovered in front of me in my mind. I knew I wasn’t supposed to be honest, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself from answering. “Yes.” The word made it past my willpower not to answer and seemed to echo in my head like the swing of an executioner's ax.

There was an eruption of voices, all of which sounded like the roar of wind to me, with the exception of two words.

“Rhwym enaid.”

I had no idea what that meant, but it didn’t sound good, not if it was responsible for this pain and exhaustion. As the words ran through me and I felt something stir within me.

The woman's voice that I'd heard in my head before sounded,Soul bond.

An eruption of power spread through me like a wildfire, making me writhe and contort myself as I tried to escape the pain that came with it.

“Her magic!” Wyn’s voice filled my mind.

“It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.” Was that Volker? “This isn’t just the magic of the moon goddess. This is something else entirely.”
