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Opening my eyes Saturday morning, a restless feeling settles into me. Not wanting to wake up Emery, I push the covers aside to sneak off and watch the day break over the water with a delectable cup of steamy coffee.

Last night, I fell asleep shortly after that conversation with Emery, feeling blissfully happy, but empty at the same time because Ford and Ash weren’t around.

The room they’re sharing is quiet, and I snicker, thinking I’d hear the headboard knocking into the wall all night.

Watching them has been so unbelievably hot.

I get why they like to watch me with each other.

Coffee in hand, I stand by the floor-to-ceiling windows in the kitchen to watch the waves break. Suddenly warmth surrounds me from behind.

Beautiful, sculpted hands close around my shoulders.

“Dr. Ives,” I say.

“How did you know it was me?” He presses a kiss to my neck.

“Emery looked completely dead to the world. Ford’s hands are tattooed.” I turn around and smile at his messed-up hair and how boyish innocence wafts from him.

But he’s just as ferocious as Ford and Emery. Andright now, he looks high on life.

“Is Ford asleep?” I ask.

“Yep.” He pulls me into a hug. “And hogging the bed.”

“Not anymore.” Ford’s voice turns us around.

My breath catches, seeing him in those tiny black briefs he wears.

Licking my lips, I say, “Not shy about walking around like that, huh?”

“Why should I be?” He bends down to kiss me, then Ash.

Next, he’s got us both wrapped in a hold that feels surreal.

Pinching Ford’s nipple to break free, I stroll to the kitchen.

“You’ll pay for that,” Ford calls after me.

“Counting on it!” I keep walking without giving him a chance to grab me. “I’ll freshen the pot of coffee.”

“What’s wrong?” He’s on my heels.

How can this man know me so well?

When I’m with Ford and Ash, it feels like one solid piece to whatever the hell we’re doing. But when I’m with Emery, something shifts.

The four of us... We’re not together. Something’s missing like an empty section of a freeway under construction.

Nothing should be a secret between us. We already got into a fight about a simple misunderstanding because we weren’t all together when we should have been.

A thought hits me. A delicious one. Dirty and dark.

“Can we...” I start, but my words are swallowed by the pulsein my throat.

“Can we what, baby?” Ash slides onto a stool at the other side of the wide marble kitchen island.
