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And she had no interest in being weak.

Which was the thing I loved most about her. She knew what she wanted and was willing to chase it. Right now, that was me and Tanner. Last weekend, it had been setting her boundaries with Ty. The weekend before, it had been showing all us boys she was the real deal. So, if I wanted to keep her doing as good as she'd been, it meant I had to be the good boy for once in my life and actually listen to the doctors.

I'd just caught my breath when the shower turned off. Thankfully, by the time Cody and Tanner made it out of the bathroom, I was positioned nicely on the bed, looking like my trip here had been no big deal. Cody's hair was wet and messy. She had a brush and was doing her best to untangle it. There was a towel wrapped around her body, showing off her muscular shoulders and sexy legs. The black brace and sling on her bad arm ruined the sexiness, though.

Tanner was right behind her with a towel wrapped around his hips. "Go sit on the bed," he ordered. "I'll find something for you to sleep in."

"I can - " she tried.

He just pointed. "Bed, Cody Lane. You can't brush and unzip your bag with one arm."

I couldn't help but chuckle at them. Cody huffed, clearly annoyed with her limited mobility, but she obeyed. She didn't storm like I expected, though. Nope, she just walked, looking so damned good like this in our room.

When her ass hit the bed, she didn't swing her legs onto it. She simply sat down, brushing the opposite side of her head and somehow making it work. It was cute. There was something so normal and, well, familiar about it that I found myself smiling like a damned stoned fool.

I wanted to keep liking this feeling, yet moments like these made me realize how little I knew about both of my lovers. Sure, we hadn't been together very long, but this damned tour was all but designed to keep us way too focused.

When Tanner had mentioned his past, I'd realized how many things I didn't know about either one of them. Sure, Cody offered up plenty, but I was a greedy fucker. I wanted more - and not just from her. I wanted to know just as much about Tanner.

There was something about these two I justliked.Ok, I was head over heels for Cody, but I was gettin' there fast for that hot little bullfighter too. That he was taking care of us? Yep, it hit me right in the feels.

My problem was that all of this felt almost too good. There had to be a catch. I knew better, but people like them stayed far the fuck away from me. But even thinking that gave me an idea. If I wanted to know more, I should just ask, right? Didn't mean I had to make it all serious and shit.

"So," I said, "since you're the only one whole, Tanner, give me two truths and a lie?"

"What?" he asked, clearly confused.

I made a little noise - the closest I could get to a shrug without moving something that would hurt. "I dunno. Figure since we're being forced to watch you, then you should put on a show for us, huh?"

Tanner actually chuckled at that. "Are you stoned, J.D.?"

"Yep," I agreed, smiling to prove it.

He just shook his head at me. "Ok, two truths and a lie? What the fuck brought this up?"

"Well, figure I kinda got time to hear all your deep dark secrets, so yeah." I grunted, because I really didn't wanna get all mushy about having someone care for me and make Cody feel bad. Plus, in my stoned haze, it had seemed like such a good idea. Now I was just rolling with it. "Tell me things you've never done, pretty boy. Let's see how well I know ya."

That made Tanner glance back, but the look on his face was flattered, not upset. "Ok, let's see..." He continued to dig through Cody's bag. "I've never ridden a bull for eight seconds. Um, I've never had a threesome. And, uh, I've never learned how to drive a manual transmission."

"The manual one's a lie," Cody said.

"Naw," I murmured. "I'm thinking the threesome is."

Tanner laughed. "Actually it's the bull. Was a shit bull, but I stayed on for eight."

"You don't know how to drive a stick?" I asked.

"How?" Cody asked, her mouth hanging open in shock.

Tanner shrugged, heading over to the bed with a handful of cute little pajamas for her. "Always had an automatic. Didn't really grow up farming."

"There's that," I admitted.

"Your turn, J.D.," he said. "Two truths and a lie."

Well, fuck. That wasn't how this had worked in my head. "Uh..." Now I had to think fast, and the amount of pot in my system wasn't real good for that. "Um, I never killed anyone," I said, struggling for a couple more. "Never graduated high school. Uh. I've also never been in love before."

"I know which is a lie," Cody giggled.

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