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"Same," Tanner said. "You're in love right now, you dipshit."

"I said before!" I insisted. "Like, you know, back before Tulsa!"

"Oh." Cody's brow creased. "You've never been in love?"

"Nope," I said, "but you have to guess the lie, baby."

"You killed someone," Tanner guessed. "Back in your gang days?"

"Nope." I was grinning now. "See, I ain't the shit y'all think."

"What was the other?" Cody asked.

"High school," Tanner said. "He didn't graduate."

"So that's the lie?" Cody asked.

I nodded. "Graduated. Even got me some good grades too. Mama got me out of the shit hole, into this cowboy shit, and I got my shit together. Graduated with all As."

"Damn," Tanner breathed. "I'm a dropout."

"Cody told me," I admitted. "Kinda why I thought of it." Then we both looked over to her.

"Your turn," Tanner said. "Two truths and a lie."

"Oh." Her brow furrowed, and for a long moment she was quiet. I watched as her eyes tracked across nothing but her own imagination, and then a little smile touched her lips. "So do these all have to be nevers?"

"Only fair," I decided. "I mean, ours were."

So she nodded. "Ok, well, I never kissed a boy in high school. I have never been on a plane. I have also never given a blowjob."

"I'm out," I told Tanner. "I actually know which of those is a lie."

"Shit," Cody breathed. "I forgot about that."

"The pain meds," I said, giving her a good excuse. "Fuck ya up, yeah?"

The little smile she gave me was so fucking sweet. "Yeah. That's what we'll say. I honestly just forgot we'd talked about it!"

"So I have to guess?" Tanner asked. "Ok..." He pressed his lips together and studied her for a little too long. "You've never been on a plane?"

Cody rolled her eyes. "Think about how Dad got here, Tanner! Our neighbor flies. He took me up when he was crop dusting!"

"Oh." Tanner's tongue played across his cheek inside his mouth. "You've never given a blowjob?"

"Never," she admitted.

"What else have you never?" he pressed. "Sexually, I mean?"

Right on command, her cheeks turned pink. "Um, I've never really seen two guys do anything. Um, and except for what we've done, that's kinda it."

"Ty didn't show you some stuff?" Tanner asked.

"I mean…" I swore her cheeks got darker and her eyes darted away.

Trying to help her out, I took over. "Ty? Pretty sure he didn't get much of a chance to get kinky. Tanner, I think you're the one giving her all the wild experiences. I know I went for missionary."

"But you like missionary," Tanner said, flicking his brows up as his eyes landed on me. "Pretty sure you said that was your favorite."
