Page 13 of Jump Back On

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"Like those girls at the bars," he explained. "Most of 'em are trying to use us. They want to hook a man with too much money who doesn't have a damned clue how to keep it. If she's lucky, maybe he'll buy her a car, or a house, or shit like that. If she's not, maybe he'll fuck her brains out and give her a damned good story, right?"


He shrugged under me. "But that's the thing. We guys aren't any better. We're willing to buy them shit to get a piece of ass. We know it. They know it. The game isn't a secret, but everyone acts like it's supposed to be. She's using him, he's using her, and in the end they all get what they want, right?"


"Usually, they are," he assured me. "I mean, some of those girls are looking for an excuse to be wild. To do what they want to anyway. Real easy to say the damned bull rider made her do it, get me?"

"Forced her?" I asked, bracing to pull back.

His arm tightened around my back. "Naw. Not shit like that. I mean more like blowing him under the table, making him beg and shit. We all kinda watch for the girls who look like they want out. Happens, sure. But usually the girl wants to. She's turned on by being bad, because often they ain't never had the chance. Well, I don't see a damned thing wrong with it. I don't think she's a piece of shit because she's doing what she's doing. Means I might ask how far she'll go. Might make me sound like a pig, but don't fucking care. Not like I'm here to make anyone else happy." His brow creased for a second. "Well, wasn't."

"What do you mean?"

"Before you," he said. "I wanna make you happy, but you don't need my help for that. I still wanna try."

"But that's my point," I said. "Ty..." I groaned.

"It's ok," he promised. "Get it out, Cody."

So I shifted a little more and crossed my arms over his chest. That let me look at J.D. and talk. "Ty was what I expected in a guy. He never woulda walked out of the room because I was naked. He'd seen it once, so I don't have a thing to hide, right? But you don't."

"Not till you're ok with it," he said. "I mean, takes a whole lot of balls to assume you're just here to give me a show. Nah, I know better. Sometimes you change clothes. You'll show me when you want me to see. If I walk in, well, I know how to turn my back."

"Your momma raised a good man," I said softly.

His hand moved to stroke my loose hair down my back. "And your daddy raised one hell of a woman." His eyes scanned my face. "Cody, I ain't gonna get in your way. I'm not gonna make you feel like you gotta tiptoe around my feelings. You're here to ride bulls. I get it. I know how hard you're trying, and I'll be damned if I get in your way like that."

"Thank you."

He nodded. "Yeah, but that don't mean I don't worry. I get real pissed seeing all those marks on you. I hate that I wasn't there, but I'm not about to cramp your style, ya know? I get that you gotta do your thing. I'm just kinda hoping you'll drag my ass around after you while you do it."

"But you don't try to walk all over me in the process," I said. "Ty did. J.D., that was the whole problem. He kept telling me I didn't need to worry about it. Didn't matter if that was sponsors, or fans, or anything else. He said he'd pay my way if I couldn't! I mean - "

"He thought he was taking care of ya," J.D. explained. "Dumbass was trying to be the man to your woman. He just forgot you don't need no man. You can do it all yourself."

"Is that wrong?"

"Nope, it's sexy as hell." His fingers were following the line of my spine. "I like strong, Cody. I like crazy. Not crazy like me, but crazy like you and Tanner. Sweet on the outside and no backing down on the inside, ya know?"

"I like tha-" A knock at the door cut me off.

J.D. grunted, letting me go so he could slide out from under me. "Expecting someone?"

"Nope," I said.

He simply murmured again even as he pulled on his jeans without the underwear underneath. "I'll get that so you can get dressed." And as he left the room, he pulled the door closed behind him.

I forced myself out of the bed and hurried to the bathroom. I needed to do a little cleanup, and I hadn't quite made it into any clothes yet today. I was ok with that. But when I came out of the bathroom, I could hear another man's voice. One I recognized.

After quickly pulling on jeans and a fitted tee, I carefully opened the door to make sure I was right. Sure enough, Tanner was sprawled out on the couch in the sitting area, and J.D. had the chair beside him. The pair looked good like that, and even better when they both turned at the sound of the door.

"Tanner's got a request," J.D. said.

"Ok?" I headed into the room and paused for only a second before taking the other side of the couch. "What's up?"

"So..." Tanner pulled in a breath. "You know I'm from around here, right?"
