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"Maybe? I knew it was Iowa," I admitted, "but I've never heard of Ames."

"Suburb of Des Moines." He turned to face me a little better. "It's just north of here. Not even far enough to count as a real commute. But see, every year, my parents want to have dinner when I'm in town. Well, they called a bit ago. Wanted to know if I was here yet."

"Ok?" I wasn't quite sure where this was going yet.

"And they don't have a damned clue he's pansexual," J.D. said. "The gay will send him to hell and all that shit."

"Oh." Letting out a groan, I closed my eyes in frustration. "Yeah. Fun times."

"So," Tanner said, "I was kinda hoping I might show off this girlfriend the whole world seems to know I have. Cody, would you be willing to go to dinner with me and meet my parents?"

That made me sit up. "Meet your parents?"

"I don't give a damn about impressing them," he hurried to assure me. "I'm kinda looking for some help on explaining this televised romance we have."

"So they watch the PBR?"

He nodded. "Yep. They're also convinced I'm throwing my life away, should give this mess up, go to college, and so on. You know the drill."

"Yeah, I do," I agreed. "Dad tried to convince me of the same. Said he didn't want me getting hurt."

"Mine just think I'm screwing up my life," he said.

So I nodded. "Ok, when?"

"About an hour?"

That didn't give me a lot of time. Still, I could make it happen. "Where?" I asked next. "More importantly, what am I supposed to wear?"

"Nice," Tanner said. "I'm pulling out a button-down and clean jeans."

Which definitely helped. This wasn't a tie kind of date. It was just cute, but not boots type of cute. Thankfully, I had a bag of clothes for just this purpose.

"I can do that," I agreed. "What about you, J.D.?"

Reaching for a rather warm and half-empty bottle of Mike's, J.D. lifted it and leaned back. "Oh, I'm gonna take a nap. Sleep off that wild round of sex and pretend like I'm still young enough to keep up with you."

"Shit, you're not that old," Tanner chided, but the guy was smiling at J.D. when he said it.

"Twenty-eight, almost twenty-nine," J.D. said. "Which means more than either of you."

"And once again, I'm the baby here," I admitted. "Well, good thing you men like younger women, right?"

"I just like you," J.D. said. "It's all about you, Cody. And maybe a little about him too."

"Yep," Tanner agreed. "I think he said that perfectly."

So I pushed back to my feet. "Well, get comfy, because if you want a girlfriend for this, I'm going to have to do some work on my face."

Tanner just turned, exposing the purple on his cheek. "What, don't want to match mine?"

"Might make more questions than you want," I teased. "Besides, purple really is your color. Kinda makes you look like my hero."

J.D. murmured in approval. "Yeah, I'm with her on this."

"And I'm gonna take it," Tanner said. "Mostly because tonight she's about to be my hero, since I have a bad feeling this is going to suck."


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