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"But my future!" I insisted. "That money you're blowing off is what's going to make it possible. That's what's going to buy me a chance at a good life after I'm too broken or old to ride in the PBR, Dad."

"No..." he said, shaking his head slowly. "Cody, being right is what will do that. Being honorable is what you need to worry about. Hell, money comes and money goes. Money is just a stop-gap that seems real flashy when we don't have it, and don't mean shit when we do."

"Kinda true," J.D. agreed.

Dad flashed him a quick smile, then palmed my cheek. "Kiddo, if I teach you nothing else in life, I want you to learn this one thing. Life is the important bit. It's the memories you make and the moments you're proud of that make a person. I used to say make a man, but you're kinda proving it works for a woman too. And when you're old like me, I promise you won't be sitting around counting your cash. You'll be thinking about the ones you've loved, the ones you've lost, and all the chances you let slip through your fingers."

"But - "

"Don't be like me," he said, talking over me. "Don't live with regrets, Cody Lane. You grab the bull by the horns, stand a little taller, and you scream a whole lot louder. Because if you're chasing money, then you're already behind the buck. Money will come when you get it right. So you stop fretting about some sponsors, ok? You got three good ones behind ya. You'll get more when they realize just how impressive you really are. And until that happens, you focus on being the best damned bull rider this world has ever seen. You think about how you're making your old man proud, ok? Because you are. And the money? It won't ever mean as much as the way these two look at you, Cody."

I glanced over at Tanner and smiled. "I know."

"And these boys wanna help," Dad went on, "but here's the problem with that. They can't do it for ya. You're the one who wanted to ride in the PBR. You're the one who told me you were just as good as the men. Now you have to do the work, so you get in there and you do it, because no matter how much they wish they could, these two can't do it for ya."

"And you don't need us to," J.D. assured me.

"But you helped," I told him, "and that matters more than you can ever imagine."

He nodded. "Because I love you, Cody."

"We both do," Tanner said, "although, if I'm part of the family now, that's going to be a little weird."

Which made Max snort out a laugh behind me. "Ok, and this is exactly why I love working with cowboys so much."

"I'm definitely seeing the appeal," Grace agreed. "But we're not giving up, Cody. See, Max has me working with him now, so you focus on the bulls, and we'll worry about the patches, ok?"

"Ok," I agreed, feeling a bit better about this. "I can do this."

"Yes, you can," Tanner agreed.

"You are doing it," J.D. corrected.

"And whether they like it or not," Dad told me, "the PBR can't stop you now."

"No, they can't," I agreed. "I'm pretty sure I just became one hell of a sensation."


My phone started ringing much too earlythe next morning. It was Monday, the event was over, and I was supposed to get to sleep in. That was why I'd smoked a bit too much and drank a ton on top of it. Considering me and J.D. were still broken, things had been more giggly and cuddly last night, and now my head was pounding in time to the chimes blasting out of my phone.

"Cody," Tanner said, tossing my phone onto my belly.

I cracked one eye, but when I saw Grace's name, I was swiping. "Ungh?" I tried, my voice refusing to work.

"Cody?" Grace asked.

I cleared my throat and tried again. "Yeah. Sorry. Hangover."

"You have an hour. Hot shower. No need to be too country. Jeans, boots, and a t-shirt. Max and I are going to meet you downstairs in the lobby."

"What?" I asked. "Why?"

The sound Grace made could only be described as a giggle, but like she was trying her hardest to smother it. "Remember those sponsors we didn't get?"


"Well, Max just pulled off a Hail Mary," she said. "And this time, the news and rumors about you helped. Bring the boys. Dean too."
