Page 11 of Cross

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After breakfast, for once, they both decided to head to the garage together. It was a bit unusual, but Dana welcomed the change. Maybe things were starting to look up.

As Dana stepped out of her car and her dad followed suit, she abruptly came to a halt. Her father mirrored her reaction. The sight in front of them hit like a punch to the gut.

The garage doors had been vandalized. Two of the shop’s windows lay shattered, glass fragments scattered across the ground. Crimson paint was haphazardly splashed across them. A large crow was spray-painted across the entrance.

Dana’s breath caught in her throat. Maybe it was time to call Cross for help.

Chapter Six

In the middle of the MC meeting, Cross felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He glanced at the screen and saw Dana’s name flashing. Without thinking twice, he got up from his seat, throwing a nod to his MC buddies, and made his way outside to take the call. Breaker, the MC president, shot him an annoyed look as he left. He wasn’t one to tolerate interruptions during meetings, and Cross knew it. But right now, Dana’s call took precedence.

Seven days had passed since they parted ways. Since then, Cross had hunted down and executed Jimmy himself. Dana and him had kept in touch. Cross couldn’t help but wonder if Panther and his gang had finally made their move. The thought sent a chill down his spine.

“Cross? I wasn’t sure if I should call you or not,” Dana’s voice trembled, laced with fear.

His protective instincts surged through his entire body.

“Dana, tell me everything that happened,” he urged, his tone firm.

Dana began recounting the unsettling events, her voice shaky as she described Panther’s unexpected visit and the distressing sight of their vandalized shop. Cross listened intently, his anger simmering just beneath the surface as he absorbed every detail. The situation had finally escalated. Cross knew that Panther was gunning for Dana and possibly her father. He didn’t want to take any more chances, so he came to a decision.

“We need to get you out of Elmwood. Panther and his crew might make a move on you two tonight,” Cross said.

“Leave Elmwood?” Dana asked. “And go where? I’ve never been anywhere else.”

“Here,” Cross replied. “I’ll protect you and your father.”

There was a moment of silence at the other end of the line and he wondered what Dana was thinking. Then Cross could hear another man’s panicked voice, probably Dana’s father. The two bickered for a few moments. Cross waited. He told himself to be patient. He tried putting himself in Dana’s shoes. She must be so terrified, but props to her for holding out this long against Panther. That took guts.

“Dana, you still there?” he asked.

“I am. Just thinking about the shop and the customers, waiting for their cars to be fixed. I know it’s stupid,” she muttered.

“It’s not stupid. You care about people, about your business,” he said. “That’s rare.”

“Yeah, and look where that got me.”

“The garage will still be there after all this is over,” Cross told her. “So will your customers.”

He just told her an outright lie but he needed to get her to agree to leave Elmwood.

“You’re right. When will you get here?” Dana asked.

“Before nightfall. I’ll grab two more of my MC brothers. Then we’ll ride to Elmwood to pick you and your dad up. Pack light,” he recommended.

“Will do.” There was a momentary pause on the other end. “Thank you, Cross. I’m not sure what else I could’ve done.”

“You stuck out your neck for me and saved my life,” he reminded her. “This is the least I can do.”

Cross returned to the MC meeting and settled into his seat, knowing that as the sergeant at arms for the MC, Breaker wouldn’t tolerate his sudden absence. He sat through the meeting, his thoughts often drifting to Dana and her predicament, itching to act.

Once the meeting was over, he found Priest and pulled him aside.

“Let me guess, your sweetheart from Elmwood’s in trouble?” Priest asked with a knowing grin.

Cross’s temper flared for a moment, but he quickly suppressed it.

“Yeah, and I might need some help,” Cross admitted.
