Page 3 of Thor & Dragon

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Her reply is almost instantaneous.

??.Though we may be five minutes late or so.????wants to play with us tonight so he brought a deck of cards. Says he’ll clean house.

Translation: Understood and they’ll be here in five minutes. Both her and Alexei are fully armed, and they’ll head straight to my apartment on arrival.

Putting my car in park, I purposefully drop my phone by my feet and pull out the bag I have stowed away under my seat. Trying to not act too suspiciously, I carefully tuck away all the blades. I wish I had more blades or even my gun, but they’re locked away inside the safe in my apartment.

As I get out of my SUV and grab my bag out of the backseat, I carefully look around, but nothing seems out of place. Walking up to my apartment, I try to act as natural as possible in case anyone’s watching me. I also know Sam isn’t back yet. I checked before leaving the lecture hall, but his head was still ducked down as he worked on his final. The closer I get to my door, the more my uneasiness and nerves grow.

Digging out my keys, I freeze for a moment before forcing myself to unlock the door.

There are fresh scratch marks on the doorknob and around the strike plate.

Fuck! Why didn’t I inspect the strike plate when I moved in to see if the apartment owners had replaced the short-ass screws that came with the strike plate with the recommended longer screws?

Taking a deep breath, I unlock it only to find Scott sitting on my couch, drinking a beer with a crowbar at his feet. I scowl at him, and my gaze quickly darts around the room, landing on the stack of boxes in the corner.

Shit. I hope he didn’t mess with my stuff or take anything.

Thanks to my apartment’s mostly open concept, I could tell there wasn’t anyone else in here unless they were hiding in my bedroom or bathroom down the short hallway.

My gaze lands on him again, and my stomach sinks when I see he’s wearing a cut. The most dressed down I’d ever seen him in was a polo and jeans. So, to see him in a t-shirt and jeans, even without the cut, was out of character. Taking a closer look at his cut, the road name ‘Fang’ is patched on one side and the title ‘Enforcer’ on the other. I never knew Scott was part of a motorcycle club. Or that he even had a motorcycle. Which club does he belong to?

Fuck, this isn’t good. I have no idea if his club is one of the good ones or the ones that are into illegal shit. I’d been around bikers all my life in my parents’ bar and grill since there was a motorcycle club in Forest Creek. Not to mention, my uncle was also part of said club. I knew from him and my own history that not all clubs were on the straight and narrow like my uncle’s club. Some clubs dabbled in drugs and guns. Others… others I prayed I’d never cross paths with ever again.

I push those memories aside. I’m not going to let them distract me. Scott smirks at me as he takes another drink.

“What do you want, Scott? I told you last night, repeatedly I might add, that I didn’t want to see you again. That we were through. Not to mention you broke into my apartment and are drinking my damn beer.” I’m fucking pissed he broke in, but to add insult to injury, you don’t mess with a Wisconsinite’s beer.

I scowl again as I cross my arms and try to keep the partially opened door in my peripheral vision. I didn’t know if he had more men lurking somewhere where they could ambush me, but I also want Sasha and Alexei to be able to get in easily if this goes south. My fingers land on the knives tucked into the insides of my jacket, ready to grab them if need be.

The sneer he gives me, along with his dark chuckle, sends a chill down my spine as he pushes up off the couch.

“We’re done when I say we’re done, Levi. No one walks away from me. You’re mine, and the sooner you realize that, the better.”

I huff and roll my eyes, something I know will piss him off to no end.Yeah, that’s wise, Levi. Piss off the guy who broke into your damn apartment.

“I’m not a possession, Scott. You don’t own me. I broke up with you last night again, since you didn’t get the message last weekend or last night. You can’t force me to be with you if I don’t want to be with you.”

His face darkens, and he takes a few more steps toward me. “You were mine since we first started going out. I will have you as mine, and you will come with me to the clubhouse. Whether you want to or not. I gave you more than enough time and I will take what is mine, bitch. No one, not even your fucking little friends, can stop me.”

My eyes widen slightly at his words, mad that he’s rehashing the no sex thing, yet again, but also getting a little scared that he may actually try to rape me. Yeah, I never gave into his pleas for sex and the reason being was that I was still a virgin. I’m not a prude or saving it for marriage, but I wanted the person I lost my virginity to, to be someone special to me. Not to just throw it away on a whim or a guy that didn’t give me any sparks at all when we kissed.

With a growl, he lunges toward me, and I draw my blades as I dart back from him. As he darts back toward me, he draws his own blade. While, yes, I’ve trained in self-defense from an early age, especially after what happened when I was almost sixteen, but by no means am I a black belt or even close to it. However, the fact that we’re mere minutes into the fight and he’s already winded goes to show how much he’d bragged about his knife skills. I’d already cut him about half a dozen times, and he’s yet to land an attack in on me.

A commotion from the hallway draws my gaze to the door. Rookie fucking mistake.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Scott dart toward me before I can put distance between us. Pain sears across my ribs, and he curses as he looks toward the hallway and then back to me, his face red with anger.

“This isn’t over, bitch! I’ll have what’s fucking mine. What should have been mine fucking years ago,” he says before running out the door.

I should run after him, but all I can do is stare after him in confusion. What the hell did he mean? I met him for the first time a couple months ago.

Moments later, Sasha and Alexei burst through the door with blades drawn. It doesn’t escape my notice that their blades are a little bloody. Our friends and two other guys are behind them. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from groaning. Apparently, Dad sent a few of the Steel Archangel’s along with Sasha and Alexei. They look familiar, but in the four years that I’ve been in college, I hadn’t been home longer than a week whenever I visited. While I had visited my uncle’s house at their compound, I hadn’t gone to the clubhouse. I must be remembering them from our bar and grill.

I shrug out of my jacket and grit my teeth as pain sears across my ribs again. My scowl deepens when I notice how much blood has already soaked through my tank top.

Dammit… I really liked that jacket and shirt. Alexei’s eyes widen when he sees the blood.
