Page 69 of Thor & Dragon

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“Well now, Mr. Creed Weber, and yes, I know who you are and no, I’m not telling you how I know. I’m not the same little girl I used to be. I’m actually looking forward to seeing Sean try. Him and his partner, Scott Black, a.k.a. Fang, Enforcer for the Black Plague MC.”

I smirk as Creed freezes. The documents he’d just pulled out of his briefcase tremble slightly, and I know she’s just shot down what he’d hoped would be his ace.

“If you know they’re both after you, I highly recommend accepting my offer. Black Plague is being watched and investigated. They deal in human trafficking among other things. Is that something you really want to risk?” he asks as he stands, leaning against the table.

A dark smirk crosses her face, and I notice a deadly, dark look in Roy’s, the twins’, and Bear’s eyes that match her own. She scoots down off the table, walking toward him, still flipping her blade. It amazes me that she can do that so well and not get a nick on her.

“I’m well aware of what Fang and his cousins are capable of,AgentWeber. Where were you and your protection almost seven years ago when they kidnapped my mother and me? Where were you when they beat, whipped, and cut me? Where were you when they raped my mother and killed her in front of me? Where were you when they almost succeeded in raping me? My family were the ones that rescued me. Fuck you and your fucking protection!” She yells as she points her knife at him and he audibly gulps.

Shit, please don’t let her lose her control. No telling what Creed would do to her if she draws his blood. He’s a fucking Fed.

“Where were you when all those women, who look a lot like me, were abducted? Oh, you didn’t think I knew about that, did you? See, working in a bar and grill that serves people from all backgrounds, I hear a lot of things. Things that aren’t always covered by the news. Maybe you should focus on them. Save them from being tortured, abused, or sold,” she snarls as she turns and flings her blade at the wall, anger radiating off of her.

Creed shrinks back a little in shock as he stares at her. He shuffles his papers and puts them back in his briefcase as he clears his throat.

“Yes, well, I’ll note your answer on the paperwork for my superiors.” He stands and turns to go, but then pauses and before turning back to Levi. “Please be careful, Miss Wallace.”

His gaze darts to Dragon and me, and he seems to be waging an internal battle.

“Just remember, if they do come after you, they are being watched by the FBI. Now, if they were to attack you, self-defense is an entirely different story,” he says, as he gave me a knowing look.

I smirk and when Levi comes over, I pull her close, kissing the top of her head, and Dragon does the same. Creed’s face softens, and he sighs.

“If the roles were reversed, and it was my daughter and wife that had gone through that, I’d be right where you all are, too. Just be careful. I’d like to be kept in the loop if at all possible. At the minimum after you’ve… dealt with them. I can help take some heat off your back if need be.”

With that, he hands me his card and heads toward the door.

“Creed,” Levi calls. He turns, and she smiles softly. It’s then that I notice her phone is in her hand.

“I think there may be someone here who would like to say something to you,” she says as she leans further into my embrace. Confusion crosses his face, but she just smiles. “She’s waiting in the main room for you.”

Creed looks at me, and I give him a chin lift. If Trixie wants to talk to him, I won’t stop her. He opens the door and heads down the hallway to the main room, before stopping in his tracks.

“Hi Creed,” Trixie says nervously. Drae’s standing next to her protectively and he looks like he doesn’t quite agree with this.


She nods and after a few moments, she rushes toward him, wrapping him in a hug. “Thank you for everything you did for me,” she sobs into his shoulder.

“Hey now, don’t cry,” he says as he pulls back, wipes her tears, and tucks a stray hair behind her ears. “You know Bonnie would have had my ass if I had left you in his clutches, especially after what he did to you.”

They both chuckle, and she nods.

“Carolina, what you told us has greatly helped us track his associates down and we’re getting closer to closing in on him. Hopefully, it won’t be long, and you won’t have to look over your shoulder anymore.” He glances behind her and smiles. “Besides, it looks like you found your brother.” She nods and turns, pulling Drae closer.

“Drae, this is Creed. Creed, Drae.”

They shake hands, but Drae’s still tense.

“Thank you for getting my sister out of there. I’d been looking for her ever since she disappeared, but the trail went cold after learning who she’d been sold to. I had no idea where to find her.”

“No thanks needed. Just happy we could help. However, when this is over, Bonnie’s asked me if she could contact you to see you again, Carolina. Same with Belle. I told them I’d ask you after we had caught Sanchez, but that you might not want to because it could stir up old memories.”

Trixie chews on her lip but still nods. “I’d like to see them again to thank them for what they did. Belle and I became really close during my time with you, and I’d like to reconnect with her, if that’s okay. I don’t want to put them in any danger, though.”

Creed smiles. “Everything should be okay. I’ll let them know and you keep in touch. Thor has my number. Let me know if there’s anything you need, Carolina.”

She hugs him again and steps back next to Drae. Creed turns to me and nods.
