Page 105 of Timber

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Everyone in the room rattles off traits of Sunshine’s that Luscious doesn’t have.

I hug Mae tighter when I hear her sniffle. Luscious’ face falls a little more each time a person speaks up until I’m the only one that hasn’t said anything yet.

When the room turns quiet, I turn Sunshine’s face toward mine, and kiss her. Turning back to Luscious, I finally tell her my piece.

“Mae has my heart and will always have it. She is my light. She is my Sunshine Goddess. She is my woman. She is my Old Lady. And soon, she’ll have my ring on her finger as well as a baby in her womb if it isn’t already there. There is no comparison, Luscious. You, and every other woman, will always be lacking to me. Mae is my ride or die and always will be.”

Luscious stares at me in shock, and my gut twists when her face turns smug. “We’ll see about that,” she purrs, as she turns and struts to the bar, making sure to shake her ass.

Sunshine turns toward me and I’m about to say something when the door swings open.

The clack of a metal heel against the tile tells me and everyone elseexactlywho’s here.

And it’s about fucking time.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I hear the metal click of heels against the tile floor of the clubhouse.

Turning, I smirk when I see Sasha is dressed to intimidate and while I’d never step out on Sunshine, I can admit that Colt is a damn lucky man.

Sasha’s makeup is fierce with dark eyeshadow and blood red lipstick. Her blond hair pulled up into a tight ponytail that’s been braided and wrapped into a bun on the top of her head. Her blue eyes are cold as ice, but they also blaze with anger as she glares at Luscious’ back. She’s dressed in a fitted black club t-shirt with a V-neck and black skinny jeans. However, it’s the boots that tell everyone in the club exactly what direction tonight is going to go in.

She’s continuing the trend that Levi started.

Red leather knee-high boots with a metal needle heel.

I can’t help but smirk when a few guys flinch at hearing her heels.

They’re most likely remembering back to a few months ago when we had captured the people that were responsible for kidnapping Levi and Reaper. We handed a few of them over to the FBI but kept the ones that had hurt both of them the most.

Levi had worn boots just like the ones Sasha’s now wearing. In the process of getting information out of those fuckers, Levi had driven her metal tipped heel into her uncle’s balls as he lay spread eagle on the concrete a few months ago. The fucker was part of a group that was going to kidnap her, rape her, and sell off her babies once she had them.

Now, that’s not to say that I don’t feel that same ghost of pain Levi inflicted on that asshole, but I’m not letting it deter me. Especially with what this bitch has in motion to do to my sunshine and what else she’s done.

Sunshine moves to get up off my lap, but I tighten my grip on her. “Stay right here, baby. She’s here for a reason. I’ll fill you in on what I can later,” I whisper into her ear.

She looks up at Sasha, worry evident on her face, but thankfully, she doesn’t move off my lap. Though she does tighten her grip on my hand.

Sasha turns her attention to the other two bunnies, who are looking on in confusion and motions for them to leave. Thankfully, they do, but the sound of their quick retreat on their sky-high heels causes Luscious to turn around from the bar to see what’s happening.

Her gaze lands on Sasha and she sneers at her. Then her face turns seductive when she sees Colt behind her. She looks around, most likely to see if any other of my brothers from Forest Creek are here and she pouts a little when she sees it’s just them.

To their credit, my brothers act like nothing’s wrong and Luscious turns back toward the bar, taking the girlie drink from Nathan. Thankfully, the fucker took his time mixing it.

Sasha walks up to the bar. “Can I have a beer please, Nathan?”

Luscious gives her the side eye, most likely wondering why she’s ordering a beer since she’s a Prospect. She turns and looks down her nose at Sasha.

“Thought you were still in the kiddie pool and couldn’t drink yet,” she sneers.

Sasha chuckles darkly before taking a long pull of her drink Nathan hands her. “I have a pass to drink tonight.”

Luscious huffs. “Of course, you do. Pulling favorites already since your so-called sister is now the Queen B, huh?”

Sasha chuckles again, but this is even darker than before and it sends a chill down my spine.

She takes another long pull of her drink, swallows, pulls back and then smashes the bottle against Luscious’ temple. The remains of her beer spilling down Luscious’ face and body as glass shards shatter across the bar and floor.

Luscious sways, giving Sasha enough time to pull back and land a right hook to her jaw. Her body crumples against the bar.
