Page 106 of Timber

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Sasha wrenches her arms behind her, cuffing her wrists. Then she grabs her hair, fisting it as she pulls on it which has Luscious coming out of her daze.

“Someone, help me! Get this bitch off me!”

No one moves as she struggles to get free. A look of disbelief flashes over her face, before it contorts again into one of anger.

“Why aren’t any of you helping me? I haven’t done anything wrong! After all I’ve done for you, this is how you repay me?”

I don’t have to look around to know that her statement just pissed everyone off even further.

Another click sounds as Sasha cuffs Luscious to the bar. She pulls on her hair again, eliciting another shriek from Luscious, as she steps closer to her, lifting her chin with the hilt of a blade.

“Are you sure about that, Luscious? Are you sure you haven’t given information to anyone as of late? Say, I don’t know... about a certain someone’s whereabouts? Sending false information to rile people up and cause division amongst family? To desecrate memories and reminders of those we have loved and lost? Are you sure you haven’t done anything wrong, Luscious?”

Luscious’ face pales as her gaze bounces around the room, but I don’t have to look at my brothers to know we’re all glaring at her. She audibly swallows, knowing she’s fucked up big time.

Sunshine’s body tenses, and I turn my attention to her. Her face is furious and I know she’s now connecting the dots.

She rips my hands from around her and is on her feet, stalking toward Luscious. I warned the guys that Mae would probably want to get in a few punches, so none of us are surprised. And no one tries to stop her.

Pulling back, she lands a punch straight to Luscious’ jaw, but I can tell by the way she’s shaking out her hand, that she hurt herself in the process.


Sasha tsks. “No, no, sweetie,” she says as she takes hold of Mae’s fist. “Fold your fingers in like this and your thumb goes here. Now, you need to have a good base as that’s where your power is going to come from.”

Luscious shrieks in anger. “You can’t be fucking serious? Are you seriously giving her lessons right now? Uncuff me! If anyone should be locked up, it’s that fucking bitch for coming in and ruining everything!”

Sasha ignores her, continuing to keep her focus on Mae. “Now, keep your wrist locked and in line with your forearm. Good. That will help so that you don’t hurt your wrist when you land a punch. Keep your legs spread, but you don’t want to be too wide as that will make you unbalanced. Your dominant foot goes behind you. Knees slightly bent.

“Now, picture where you want your punch to land on your opponent. Try to hit something beyond your opponent so that you don’t end up pulling your punch. Don’t tense as you throw, but make sure to keep your thumb back and out of the way, otherwise you could break it. In a perfect world, you want your index and middle knuckle to land on your target, not the fingers themselves.”

Sasha steps back but stays nearby and nods at Mae. She nods in return, pulls back, and throws punch after punch at various places on Luscious’ body.

“How could you? How could you do that to Frida? She was family and you betrayed her, desecrating her memory!”

Luscious grins, her mouth full of blood, but Mae doesn’t back down.

“You know nothing of family or how club life works, so save your breath, bitch.”

Mae shakes her head, pointing back at my brothers. “You were part of their family, whether you think so or not. Being a bunny meant you were on the fringes, but you were still part of the club family. A family that protected you. Fed you. Put a roof over your head. Paid you—not for the bumping uglies part, but for what you did around the clubhouse. The other part, you signed up for voluntarily. So yeah, I do know what a club family looks like, but it seems you don’t.” Mae pauses, grasps her chin, and cocks her head as she looks down at her. “Or am I wrong that the club didn’t offer all that to you? Tell me I’m wrong, Luscious.”

Something flashes in Luscious’ eyes, but she doesn’t say anything. She knows everything Mae’s said is true. Her face hardens.

“You think that just because you’re fucking one of them that you’re family? Ha! You’ll be discarded as soon as Timber tires of you. Once they learn everything about you, they’ll dump you like a ton of bricks, tossing you back into the gutter where you belong.”

Mae laughs, turning partially as she spreads out her other hand, gesturing to all of us again.

“They all know my background and baggage. Some of them more so than others. If I haven’t already been tossed into a gutter to use your words, then I don’t think I’m going to be.

“They are all my family now. Not just the Junction Creek chapter, but also the Forest Creek chapter. Timber’s my Old Man. Besides finding my blood family, I now have two brothers that are club members, plus two other brothers; a sister; a nephew; three aunts; five uncles; three cousins, two of which are on the way; and another set of parents. Family is not just blood. It can be chosen as well. But when you turn your back on family. Hurt them. Betray them. You’ll quickly find out what it feels like to have their wrath directed at you.”

“Ha! You’re wrong. Like I said, you’re not part of the club family just cause you’re fucking one of them. You’re nothing. Just like Frida was. She got what she deserved. Just. Like. You. Will,” Luscious grits out. Mae smiles darkly and fuck does it go straight to my dick.

“It seems you keep digging your own grave deeper and deeper. I think your purpose in life is about to be fulfilled. The only question is which way? Will you end up being an organ donor or fertilizer?”

My body freezes and Punisher looks at me, a question in his eyes. I shake my head. I never told her we sometimes have to take out the trash. Then again, he did tell me what she said when Levi told her about ‘club business’ back at Levi’s house. Maybe she connected the dots on her own. She’s also been reading a lot and is currently reading an MC series. There could be nuggets of truth in those books.

Luscious’ face pales before she sneers, and strains harder against the handcuffs. She’s about to say something when Mae backhands her. Hard. When Luscious turns back toward Mae, her nose is bleeding, but Mae doesn’t give her a chance to say anything else. She lands a wicked punch to Luscious’ jaw that has her head snapping to the side.

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