Page 115 of Timber

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Not even bothering to reply, I continue downstairs and Doc, Reaper and I make our way, room by room, making sure each one is secure.

We get to the last room and I scowl when I see there’s a heavy-duty padlock on the door. I’m about to try and kick it down when footsteps on the stairs draw my attention.

“Here, found this on the table,” Punisher says as he hands me a key.

Quickly, I unlock the door, open it, and freeze for a moment when I see Mae.

Spinning on my heel, I turn toward the guys, who thankfully, have their eyes adverted. “Give me a sec to get her free and covered.”

Shutting the door, my legs eat up the distance to her and I gently cup her face in my hands, kissing her.

“Liam, oh my God, Liam. You’re really here,” she cries, and it takes everything in me not to comfort her further right now.

“I’m gonna get you free, baby.”

She nods and I grab my knife out of my boot, getting to work, cutting her feet free before moving to her hands.

Her stomach is shredded with areas of raised welts. There are a few on her chest and hips as well, but the assholes at least left her bra on. It doesn’t escape my notice that her panties are gone and I hope like fuck those assholes haven’t raped her. If they did, their punishments will be severe.

As soon as her second hand is free, I scoot closer and she wraps her arms around my neck as I rest my forehead against hers, holding onto her arms. I’m scared to touch her anywhere else on her torso with how much damage those fuckers have done.

Pulling back, I slip off my cut, pull my shirt off, and drape it over her chest. Putting my cut back on, I lean in, kissing her hard.

“I’m sorry we didn’t get here sooner, Sunshine.” Tears prick my eyes as I cup her cheeks.

“I knew you’d come. I’m sorry I didn’t pay closer attention in the hallway. I’m sorry, so sorry,” she sobs, and I kiss her again.

“Shh, you have nothing to be sorry for, Mae. Those two assholes will get what’s coming to them, I promise.”

She nods, but I’m not sure if she believes me.

“Doc, you can come in now,” I shout and seconds later, he’s at my side.

“I’m sorry, Lil’ Bit, but I need to take a peek at the damage before we get you on the stretcher.”

Swallowing thickly, she nods. “The worst is my stomach. There are some marks on my upper chest and hips, but they aren’t as bad as my stomach. And of course, my face.”

Since she still has her bra on, I pull down her shirt, but keep her pussy covered.

His face hardens, and when he looks at me, he nods. Thank fuck that he’ll be able to do this at the clubhouse. I cover her back up with my shirt.

Standing, he lets the others in.

“I’m sorry, but this is probably gonna hurt as we transfer you,” Doc says as he lays it out on the floor.

Mae’s face hardens. “I don’t care. I just want out of this place. Carter was talking on the phone to someone about getting his revenge before the other person could have me. They were also waiting for someone. I have no idea when the handover was supposed to take place or where, but I don’t want to stay in this bed or this house another second.”

I carefully get my hands under Mae’s hips while Doc slides his hands under her shoulders. Reaper takes her feet. Together, we lift her off the bed and onto the stretcher.

I pick up the poles by her head, and she reaches up, wrapping her hand tightly around my wrist while the other grabs onto a pole. Doc picks up the other end of the stretcher. She gnaws on her lips but doesn’t make a peep as we make the trek upstairs and outside. Thankfully, someone pulled up a truck closer so we don’t have to carry her down the trail.

Reaper comes up and takes the poles from me, and both Punisher and I hop in the backseat almost in unison. It takes a bit of effort and maneuvering, but as careful as we are, we still jostle Mae a few times as we get her positioned so that she’s laying across Punisher’s and my lap. Through it all, she doesn’t make a sound, but I notice her cheeks are wet and stained with tears.

Her sapphire eyes stay locked with mine as I dry her cheeks. She still has a tight grasp on my wrist, as if she’s afraid I’ll disappear. I won’t, but I worry she’s going to have nightmares about this for a while.

Her eyes start to droop as we get closer to the clubhouse.

“Sleep, Sunshine. You’re safe now.”
