Page 116 of Timber

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She slightly shakes her head. “I don’t want to sleep. Not yet. They injected me with something at the clubhouse, but I don’t know what. I was out pretty quickly.”

“I’ll draw blood to get it tested, but I’m going to bet it was a sedative,” Doc says from the front seat. Reaper’s knuckles tighten around the steering wheel.

Once Mae’s taken care of, I want to find out how the fuck those assholes got onto the property in the first place. My bet is they were in Luscious’ car, but I need to know.

The gate opens as soon as we approach, and Reaper parks right in front of the clubhouse doors.

Before I can do it myself, my door is opened and a sob escapes Mama Astrid when she sees Mae laying on our laps. Glancing at her forehead, I’m relieved to see that she’s already been bandaged up.

She steps back and we carefully slide out of the truck. One of my brothers helps hold the stretcher poles up high until Punisher is out of the truck, and then we lower her before carrying her up the steps.

Sasha and Mama Astrid open the front doors and once we’re inside, I’m directed to a room next to Doc’s. Judging by the supplies, this must be where he patches up my brothers when needed. Fuck, I wish we had a room like this.

“Lay her on the bed. We’ll slide the stretcher out from under her,” Doc says and Punisher and I comply.

Once she’s on the bed, he expertly pulls the stretcher from underneath her and turns around. It’s then that I notice as many people cramming into the room or looking over shoulders as possible.

“Okay. Mama Astrid, Sasha, and Timber can stay. The rest of you need to scram. You’ll all be able to see her once I get her patched up and she’s rested.”

Despite the grumbles, everyone comes in and says something to Mae before leaving. More than one cause tears to spring to Mae’s eyes and almost everyone places a kiss on her forehead before stepping aside for the next person.

When the door finally shuts, Doc gets to work and covers her legs with a sheet, sliding it under my shirt to cover her.

“Mae, I’m gonna hook you up to an IV first.”

She nods in response as Doc gathers everything he’ll need.

After hanging up the fluid bag, he turns his attention to my shirt.

Stepping forward, I give her a quick kiss before I slowly take my shirt off her in case any blood dried to it.

Seeing her shredded stomach, chest, and hips again has rage boiling in me. Blinking, I force my tears not to fall. Those fuckers will pay for putting her through this.

“Oh my,” Sasha says as her hands fly to her mouth. Both her and Mama Astrid look near tears.

“What was used to cause this?” Doc asks and I notice even his eyes are glassy with unshed tears.

Mae swallows thickly. “His belt. The buckle end.”

My gaze goes to her legs. “Did he...” I swallow, not able to finish the sentence.

She sees where I’m looking and shakes her head. “He touched me, but he didn’t rape me. He said he was waiting on someone before he was going to take it further.”

Taking a few deep breaths, I tamp down my rage. That’s not what Mae needs right now.

Spotting a chair, I move it to be right by the head of the bed and sit down. Immediately, she reaches out to me and I intertwine our fingers, kissing the back of her hand.

Doc washes his hands and then wheels over two trays, one on each side of the bed. He stands next to me and Sasha and Mama Astrid stand on the other side of the bed, already with gloves on.

“Mae, we’re going to start to clean you up and then we’ll see what needs stitches and what doesn’t. But I will say, there are already three areas where I know for sure that you’ll need stitches. Now, do you want to stay awake or do you want me to put you under?”

“Awake,” she says before he’s even finished his sentence. She swallows thickly. “Please don’t put me under. I’m not ready for that yet.”

Fresh tears pool in her eyes, and Doc nods, blinking rapidly. Both women dab their eyes before helping Doc get to work.

Throughout the whole process, Mae hardly makes a peep. I knew when Doc was working on the worst of the wounds because a small whimper would occasionally escape her, but that was it.

In the end, there were eight wounds that needed stitches, ten that he applied some skin glue stuff to, and the rest would heal naturally on their own. She got lucky with the cut by her eye and that her eye wasn’t damaged. While the cut was a little jagged, Doc wanted to try skin glue first rather than stitches.

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