Page 129 of Timber

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The blush that spreads across her cheeks is cute as fuck. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing it.

“Then what was that angry look at the end?”

Sighing, I lean down, kissing her temple as I pull her into my side, careful not to make her drop her plate.

“Just hating what that fuckwad put you through and I can’t wait to get my hands on him.”

Her eyes turn a little misty as she turns, hugging me as much as she can. “Thank you,” she whispers.

Tilting her chin up, I make sure she can’t look away. “Always, Sunshine. And that’s a promise.” Leaning forward, I give her a quick kiss and squeeze her waist gently. “Now, where do you want to sit?”

She looks out over the main room and smiles. Reaper and Smoke are waving us over and while Punisher’s still glaring at me, at least he doesn’t look like he’s gonna punch me again.

“Good to see you’ve pulled your head out of your ass, brother,” Punisher says with a grunt as we sit down.

Sunshine playfully swats his arm, and he winks at her. “Just looking out for you, sis.”

Reaper clears his throat. “Star and Candi each earned their first strike with their display earlier. Since you were impacted, I wanted to discuss with you, Lil’ Bit, about their punishment.”

Mae looks up at him, wide-eyed with her fork frozen halfway to her mouth. “Is that allowed?” She whispers, which has all of us laughing.

“Sunshine, he wouldn’t have brought it up if he wasn’t okay with it.”

“Oh,” she says as a blush stains her cheeks. She sits her fork down and her gaze narrows on Candi and Star. “Two months of them being fully clothed at all times since their display went on for two hours. They’ll probably hate that, since the clothing they always wear barely covers the important bits.

“I get that the single guys want easy access, but I wish there was a minimum dress code. I’d hate for one of them to be walking out like that or how Gigi was dressed when Jordan and Sadie were there. They shouldn’t have to see that.” She pauses, and her gaze narrows even more. “I’d love to pull a card out of Levi’s book and make it so they can’t have sex during that time, but they are also your only two bunnies right now. How about I leave that decision up to you, Reaper?”

From the glances my brothers and I are all sharing, we’re all feeling a little ashamed right now as her words sink in. I’ll be bringing it up at our club, too.

Reaper clears his throat. “I’m ashamed to admit that I never thought about that, but you’re right. If Sadie, Jordan, or Half-pints twins were here, I wouldn’t want them around that either. I’ll be fixing that. Now, as for their punishments, I’m all for the clothing one. As for the sex, since they are our only two and Luscious quit, we’ll have them trade off. Only one of them will be available to the guys at a time. I’ll work out a schedule and post it so everyone knows.”

I bite my tongue at the Luscious comment, but I can’t help my smirk when I see the mischievous glint in Sunshine’s eyes. She damn well knows Luscious didn’t quit, and I’m beyond relieved that she doesn’t think differently of us for what we’re doing.

Taking another bite of oatmeal, I wish I had a little cinnamon to sprinkle on top, but I’m not about to ask for it.

“Can I try a bite?” Sunshine asks me as she nudges my shoulder.

I turn toward her and frown at her excited look. “You’ve never had oatmeal before?”

She shakes her head to my relief. “Oh, no, it’s not that. I’ve always considered it a treat when I was able to have it. It was only when I was working at the grocery store that I got to have it because they had a little kitchenette. I even broke down and splurged, buying a little container of cinnamon that I always carried around in my purse so I could sprinkle it on top. Granted, that was once, maybe twice a week that I got a shift at the store, but yeah, I loved being able to use their microwave to cook up my little treat. I could have had it while working at the diner, but I chose to take the more filling meals that I got there over the oatmeal.”

I stare at her in shock for a few moments before the anger starts boiling up inside me.

“Did I say something wrong?” she whispers, her eyes wide as her gaze bounces between my brothers and me at the table.

Pushing down my anger for now, I scoop up a big spoonful and hold it out for her. Her eyes light up and she eagerly eats the oatmeal, practically bouncing in her seat with happiness.

A chair scrapes as I give her another spoonful, and it’s like a sucker punch at the sheer joy she has from eating a bowl of hot, plain oatmeal. Something she considered a treat. That she couldn’t have it at home because of fear of being around that asshole for too long while it cooked.

That fucker is so dead.

I’m brought out of my thoughts when someone plops down a jar of cinnamon on the table. Looking up, it was Smoke that had gotten up.

“Mama Astrid says she’ll make you up a bowl if you want, but she said to first eat some of your other food, so you have a bit more balanced food groups.”

Sunshine pouts, but nods. I reach over, squeezing her knee.

“I’ll make sure to have the Prospect add some oatmeal and cinnamon to the list when he goes out today to stock up for me, since we’ve been gone for a week.”
