Page 131 of Timber

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Wait. Plan?


“Perfect!” Sasha says as she clasps her hands, her dark grin widening.

She goes over to the cabinet and comes back with a box wrapped like a birthday present that she hands to Mae. It even has a bow and everything.

“So, we have a little surprise for you. The other day when Levi and I asked you if you were given the option, what you would do or want to ask, I kinda went behind your back and talked to Smithy, Dragon, Reaper and Punisher afterward. Between the five of us, we think you’ll enjoy using this better than what you had originally planned on.”

The glint in Sasha’s eyes as she hands Mae the present has me on edge slightly, but I’m also not surprised she talked to Mae about this. Even if Mae hadn’t wanted to come down here, Sasha would have ensured that Mae’s desires were carried out. Fuck, I wish I had been the one to talk to her about this, but again, I was a stupid motherfucker.

With a dark chuckle, Mae unwraps the present and pulls out a card that she quickly reads. A grin spreads across her face before she tucks it back into the box and pulls out a small whip. I know for a fact the size was on purpose so that she wouldn’t overexert herself. However, instead of normal whip ends, they are all metal buckles.

Mae holds up the ends, inspecting them, and it’s then that I see they aren’t normal buckles.

Smithy’s been busy working his magic.

The buckles have metal tips and barbs on them, much like Dragon’s whip tail ends, going in various directions. Just looking at them, I know they’ll hurt like a son of a bitch, shredding the skin. The rest of the whip has some sort of intricate weaving pattern of black and red leather. Honestly, it looks like the pattern that’s similar to Dragon’s whip that he made himself years ago.

Mae turns and smiles. “Thank you, Sasha and gents, this is perfect. I’ll have to remember to thank Dragon later as well.”

They all grin darkly at her, dipping their heads.

Turning her attention back toward our guests, her face hardens before her gaze focuses on Reaper, an eyebrow cocked in question.

“The floor is yours, Lil’ Bit. If you want something done that you aren’t comfortable with doing yourself, I know a room full of people that would be happy to step in,” he says with a wink and the laugh that bubbles out of Mae warms my chest.

Punisher, who’s standing next to me, leans down and whispers in her ear. “Or if you want them to hurt even more than what you’re able to inflict. We’re here for you, sis.”

She looks up at him and smirks as she dips her head in acknowledgement before turning and walking up to Carter, stopping six feet in front of him.

Sasha walks over to the levers controlling the chains as Punisher and Smithy walk behind Carter, each with chain restraints in their hands. She lowers the chains, and Punisher and Smithy quickly secure Carter’s legs, making him kneel before chaining him to the floor so he can’t stand up. I guess Sasha must have filled them in on Mae’s ideas.

Mae pulls something out of her pocket, fiddles with whatever it is, pulls back, and lands a punch, right to the side of Carter’s left eye. When she lowers her hand, I chuckle at seeing her wear brass knuckles.

Fuck, I love my girl.

Carter cries out and Mae’s grin darkens at the sound.

“Why did you kidnap me? The real reason. Not some bullshit answer about me turning you down publicly. Not about us saying that none of the Steel Archangel’s or their employees will be using your office again.”

Carter glares at her. “You’ll pay for this. You need to be taught your place and it isn’t with those thugs. Your behavior is unacceptable and you will be punished.”

Her gaze narrows on him. “Yeah, wrong answer. I know my place in life and it’s right over there with my Old Man.”

That has Carter struggling against his restraints harder. Mae walks around him, and he twists, trying to keep her in his line of sight. Both Andrew and Luscious eye her warily. No doubt wondering if they’ll be hit by her whip as well.

Mae uncoils the whip and lands a brutal hit across his back that has Carter crying out in pain. Lash after lash she lands as Carter’s cries of pain fill the room. Though I do notice that her arms don’t arc out as much as Dragon’s does when he’s whipping our guests.

My gaze goes to Sasha. When she feels me looking at her, she turns and winks at me, smirking, but she also has a look of pride on her face.

Son of a bitch.

While I was being an asshole, seems Sasha was teaching Mae how to properly wield a whip because not once does Mae hurt herself while doling out her revenge. I don’t even see her wincing so her movements must not be pulling too much at her stitches.

Either that, or the adrenaline is masking part of her pain.

I make a mental note to watch her closely later to make sure she’s okay. While I don’t want her to overexert herself, I also know she needs this.
