Page 132 of Timber

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When Carter sags against his restraints, she pauses, then walks around and stands in front of him. With the handle of the whip, she places it under his chin and makes him look at her.

“Ready to tell me the truth? If not, I’ll gladly see what’s in my brother’s goodie closet and pick a different toy to use on you.”

Carter hesitates before his face contorts in anger and he presses his lips together tightly.


Punisher walks over to his tool cabinet and opens it for her. She walks over to him and looks through everything. I’m shocked when she pulls out an acetylene torch and hands it to him.

He reaches into the cabinet and hands her a bandana. I’m glad he gave her the bandana in case the smell gets to be too much for her. Then he leans in close, both of them talking in hushed whispers.

Nodding, he walks in front of Carter, making sure the torch is in front of him.

“You laid your hands on my sister and my brother’s Old Lady. That was a pretty stupid thing for you to do, Carter.” He pauses and lights the torch, adjusting the flame a few times. Carter visibly swallows hard, his gaze locked on the torch.

My gaze cuts over to Andrew, who’s sweating like a pig as his worried gaze bounces between Carter and the torch. Luscious, on the other hand, looks smug as she watches them.


“Now, you’re going to answer her questions or you’re going to be in for a real... treat,” he says with a wicked grin.

“Wait,” I call out, walking toward Luscious.

She looks up at me, batting her eyes, but her mask cracks at the dark look on my face.

“You looked like you wanted to say something. Care to share with the class, Luscious?”

She tilts her chin up, trying to look defiant. “Just waiting for you to realize that you deserve better than that damaged and scarred whore who spreads her legs for anyone. That you’ll come back to me, just like you always should have. You were meant to be mine, Timber. Not shacking up with that trashy bitch,” she says, curling her lip as she looks down her nose at Mae.

What the fuck will it take to make her realize that I want nothing to do with her?

Mae saunters up to my side, swaying her hips as she places an arm around my waist. Her other hand still holds the whip at her side.

“You’re delusional, Luscious. Why would Timber want you? You take a man, any man, in all of your holes. Sometimes all at once. I’ve even seen you take two in your va-jay-jay at once. Who would want to fuck your worn out, loose as shit holes? I mean, can you even feel their dicks when they fuck you? I bet you can’t even orgasm anymore.”

Luscious thrashes against her chains as she spews obscenities at Mae whereas my brothers all bust out laughing.

“What did they promise you for helping them?” I ask.

Sasha takes the acetylene torch from Punisher and walks to my other side. Luscious pales when Sasha holds it close to her face. Her eyes stay fixed on the flame but she doesn’t answer me.

Mae steps forward and grips Luscious’ chin hard, preventing her from moving. Sasha brings the flame closer, burning her cheek, but making sure not to burn Mae in the process, either. Luscious’ screams fill the air. Sasha hovers the flame up and down her cheek. The scent of burned flesh and hair fills the air.

A few moments later, she finally cracks.

“Stop! I’ll talk! I’ll talk!”

Sasha pulls the flame away and shuts it off. Mae releases her chin, steps back and wraps her arm around my waist. I do the same and squeeze her hip slightly before repeating my question, along with a few others that have been bugging me.

“What did they promise you for helping them? How did those two assholes get on the property? What was your role in all of this?”

“Don’t tell him anything, you cunt!” Carter shouts.

Andrew frowns before a resigned look comes over his face. I wonder what his act was in all of this.

“I’m not going to be tortured just to keep your secrets, you asshole! You were the one that couldn’t follow his instructions in the first place!” Luscious shouts at him before turning her attention to Mae, glaring at her.

“Those two were supposed to text me when they snuck out of my trunk, but they never did. If they had, I would have slipped out for a smoke while waiting for their next text. I was supposed to be their getaway driver. They were in the trunk when I came in tonight.

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