Page 157 of Timber

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I shake my head as she walks down the hallway, leaving the door open like she had before.

Taking a deep breath, I try to settle my nerves.

I’m getting married to the love of my life and I can’t wait to start our lives together.

Kristy gives Reaper and me the signal and I follow him up to the arch. Taking a deep breath, I try to calm my nerves.

“Don’t worry, brother. Everything’s going to be just fine and in a bit, you’ll be married and your balls will be firmly secured in her purse.”

A laugh escapes me and I shake my head at him. “Just you wait till you find the one, man. Without her, I was a shell of myself. She’s my breath. Her and our future kids, they are my reason.”

I know without even looking at him that he knows what I mean. Even though I’m part of the club, she’s my everything. Without her, I’d crumble. And if something ever happens that endangers her or our kids, then the fucker had better have his shit in order because he’ll suffer at my hands before meeting a very painful death.

Kristy steps out of the hallway, and I straighten, knowing it’s almost time. She comes to stand in front of us and quiets everyone down.

“Thank you for your patience. Without further ado, let’s welcome the wedding party for Timber and Mae!”

Cheers erupt asRide the Windby Poison comes on.

This time, Jordan and Sadie come out of the hallway dancing and they go all the way up until they are near us. They part with a fist bump and I give Jordan one of my own as he comes up to stand by me.

“Nice moves, J-man.”

His face lights up and then he turns, watching Roxy and Gunner dance in.

After them, it’s Allison and Erik, Nikki and Dom, Erin and Punisher, Susie and Axe, Levi and Thor, and finally, Sasha and Dragon dance in.

At first Mae was worried about having Sasha be the maid of honor for both weddings, but I knew they bonded hard and fast with all the bullshit with Luscious, Carter, and Andrew.

The music fades andThe Keeper Of The Starsby Tracy Bird starts up.

I blink back the emotion at this song and I find my Aunt Sofia’s eyes in the crowd. This was hers and Uncle James’ wedding song. Her hands fly to her mouth in surprise and I dip my head, smiling at her. I had sent the link to the song last night as we were texting and Mae fell in love with it immediately.

Fuck, am I glad they were able to make it today along with my sister, Olivia, and brother, Blake. Both of them are grinning at me even though Olivia’s wiping her eyes repeatedly. They were all ecstatic when I told them last night that I was getting married, though they were all hesitant to hear that it was happening today. I swore that once they met her, they’d understand that she’s the one for me, and I can’t wait to introduce her to them later. Not to mention, introducing them to Peggy and Glen, too.

Mae steps out on Smoke’s arm, and the breath leaves my body. She’s always been gorgeous to me, but fuck... She’s absolutely fucking stunning.

My gaze roams over her black and white dress, and fuck does it fit her. My Sunshine Goddess with a bit of darkness in her. Then I see the flash of leg and strappy heels. That coupled with the neckline of her dress, which is drool worthy, makes me want to cover her up but also show her the fuck off because she’s mine.

And soon, she’ll be mine permanently.

Smoke places her hand in mine and she turns, passing her flowers off to Sasha before turning to face me fully.

Her eyes are shiny with unshed tears and I squeeze her hands as she smiles up at me.

‘I love you,’ she mouths to me, which I return.

Reaper clears his throat. “We are here to celebrate the union of Liam Caldwell with my gorgeous niece, Mae Rose Witlock.”

I tune him out as I drink in the sight of Mae. Her dress enhances her natural beauty and I thank God that she didn’t get anything that hid her scars. I think they are sexy as fuck, plus they show that she’s survived the unthinkable.

I’m brought out of my thoughts when I hear Reaper say, “Do you have the rings?”

Turning to Jordan, who reaches into his pocket and hands me both of our rings, I pass them to Reaper.

However, the second I retake Mae’s hand, I get lost in her sapphire eyes again. It’s not until I somehow register Reaper asking me a question that I manage to reply on time.

“I do.”
