Page 165 of Timber

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Immediately, I shake my head. “They can both hear it.”

For the next half hour, I stare at Al, half in shock and half in disbelief. I never knew Mom’s parents came from old money.

They left me almost everything.

Their house that is worth a half a million dollars.

Grandpa’s old sportster and BMW as well as Grandma’s Lexus.

Their two cabins that they rent out year-round which are situated on sixty acres of land north of here.

Shares in two companies that Grandpa was on the board for.

A trust fund worth the rest of their fortune.Ten million dollars.

“The shares and voting rights for both companies have been managed by Gene’s long-time friend, Alfred Rossen, since his passing. He said that he is willing to continue to vote in your name if you so choose. He has also offered to buy them if you choose that you don’t want them.”

I turn to Dad, lost for what I should do. I don’t know this Alfred guy. Is he even trustworthy?

“I’ve looked into the companies and they are sound ones. Alfred’s a good guy, too. Good head on his shoulders. Doesn’t take shit from anyone.”

Turning toward Timber, I cock an eyebrow.

“It’s up to you, Mae. If Smoke’s vouching for him, I’d trust him.”

Nodding, I turn back toward Al. “If Alfred could continue to vote in my stead, I would appreciate it. As for the shares, I’d like to keep them but if I ever decide to sell, I’ll get a hold of him.”

“Wonderful. I’ll let Alfred know your decision. In this folder is his contact information should you have questions for him or if you someday decide to sell your shares,” he says as he tucks that paperwork back into the folder.

“These are the keys to their house, along with sealed envelopes with further information for you, Mae. The keys for the vehicles are in here as well. Shortly after they died, they were serviced and a trusted friend of theirs makes sure they are well maintained. They also have a handyman that makes sure the house stays in good repair. Both men have keys for those purposes, and when you meet them, they will hand them over. Their contact information is in here as well.

“The two cabins are about fifty miles north of here on sixty acres of mostly wooded land. I’ve contacted the woman, Martha, who has been taking care of the cabins along with her husband. She handles the bookings.

“When Smoke confirmed you would be able to meet today, I reached out to her to see if anyone was staying there currently in case you wanted to go up and see them yourself. She said there are currently tenants in both cabins with one of their stays ending this Wednesday and the other this Friday. She doesn’t have any other tenants scheduled at this time and I have asked her to keep it that way. Her contact information is in here as well.”

“Mae?” Timber asks and it’s only then that I realize I’m squeezing his hand tightly.

Clearing my throat, I will my voice to stay level. “Where did you say the cabins were located?”

Al looks back down at the paperwork. “About fifty miles north of here, outside of a small town called Ravenwood.”

“Do they rent out any of the land? Or is it more for like hunting and things like that?”

“They do rent out some land to a group of homesteaders. Martha is also the one that handles depositing those checks for now. She can continue to be the middle person unless you would rather take on that right now?”

“Um, let’s let Martha do it for right now. We can talk to her more when we go up to check on the cabins.”

I turn, looking at Dad, wondering if he’s putting the pieces together. His eyes widen slightly, but then he schools his features, giving me a small nod.

“Thank you for asking to keep them vacant after these tenants leave. We’ll go up there this weekend to check them out. Timber actually works in construction and owns his own business. With winter coming up soon, it might not be a bad idea to take a look at the cabins for ourselves to make sure nothing needs to be repaired or brought up to code. Like Mae said, we’ll talk to Martha about everything then as well.”

“Perfect. Martha said that she could continue to run your bookings for you if you so choose. Both her and her husband, George, tend to the cabins after each visit and restock things as necessary. The software she uses for the bookings is the one Gene requested because it allowed him and Laura to log in and check it themselves as well. I have set you up with a log-in and temporary password for now. Once you are in, you can change the password. Now all that is left, is to discuss the transfer of your trust and the properties.”

It takes another hour to discuss all the finances and sign papers to transfer everything into my name and to put Timber on the accounts as well.

Finally, we’re able to step outside, the file folder safely tucked into my backpack. I take a deep breath of fresh air before remembering someone could be watching me and I hurry to the truck.

When Timber backs out and puts the truck in drive, he reaches over and takes my hand.
