Page 166 of Timber

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“What was that about in there? With the cabins?”

I sigh. “It could be nothing, but that’s the general vicinity of where Andrew said the Oasis is located. Granted, my grandparents’ land size is larger. Andrew could have just been talking about how much land the Oasis was renting. However, what if it’s them that have been providing those jerkwads a place to live while they’re treating those women and children so badly?”

“I guess that could be an angle if Preston, Phillip, Bruce, and possibly X are involved with that. Maybe Preston somehow found out. You’ve said before that you wondered why Preston seems to have it out for your family. Maybe this is a small part of it. Find a secure place for them to do what they want right under someone’s nose, and if things go sideways, the blame could be put on your grandparents since they own the land,” he says and it feels like I’ve been sucker punched.

Oh, sugar honey ice tea.

I groan. “That would make sense. I mean, I know Preston had a hand in my grandparents’ deaths and I suspect he also had a hand in Mom’s accident.”

Both of them curse. “When we get back, let’s talk with Thor. That way, you don’t have to repeat anything. That and we should tell him what we found out about the cabins as well as our suspicions.”

“I didn’t mention it before because I didn’t think they were related to what’s going on now. I’m sorry.”

“It’ll be okay, Baby Girl.”

I nod glumly as I stare out the window. This is such a dumpster fire.

Twenty minutes later, we pull up to the clubhouse and when we walk in, the ladies have just finished spreading out food for lunch.

“Let’s grab some lunch and then sit with Thor. I’ll ask that he calls Church after lunch for those that can make it,” Dad says before kissing my temple and walking off toward Thor.

Sighing, I head to the kitchen. I try to put on a positive face, but judging by Levi’s surprised look, I’ve failed.

“Did things not go well at Al’s?”

Sighing again, I start filling a plate. “Yes, but it also raised some suspicions. Dad’s talking to Thor and asking if we can call Church afterward for those that can make it.”

Her phone on the counter buzzes and she nods. “He just texted everyone to meet in a half hour. Eat up, girlie. It’ll be okay.”

I eat my sandwich and fruit, but don’t taste any of it. It sits in my stomach like cardboard. My memories from my past bombard me. How could I not see it before?

“Hey, Sunshine. Time to go,” Timber says as he stands, squeezing my shoulder, before taking my empty dishes to the kitchen.

Standing, I walk up to put my phone in the basket, but Nathan waves me off. “Thor said you could have your phone in there in case you get any more calls or messages.”

Timber’s hand lands on the small of my back, and I nod, slipping my phone back in my pocket. Heading into Church, I walk to Timber’s chair, and when he sits down, I sit on his lap. Thankful I’m going to be near him for this because I think I’ll need him.

Thor bangs his hammer and calls the meeting to order.

“Smoke, Mae, and Timber. How about one of you fill us in on what happened this morning at the lawyer’s office?”

Dad starts telling them and my shoulders relax that he’s taking the brunt of this off my shoulders.

“I’d like to propose that we ride out and see if we can get eyes on who the tenants are. If our suspicions are correct that the Oasis group is renting land from Mae’s grandparents’ without them realizing who they are. It would make sense that members also rent the nearby cabins, too,” Timber says and I can’t keep my body from tensing.

“Recon only. Any volunteers to go with Timber?”

Dragon, Bear, Reaper, Punisher, and Dad all volunteer to go with him.

“Okay, now on to the other part. Mae, you said you suspected Preston had a hand in your grandparent’s deaths and your mom’s accident. You told us about your mom’s accident before. Fill us in about your grandparents.”

“They never approved of Preston and never gave Mom their blessing when she married him again. Because of that, I didn’t see them as much as before they were married, but whenever I did, Preston tried to weasel in and try to smooth talk them as Grandma would say. After Preston did that a couple of times, they demanded he never be present or come to visit them.

“Shortly after my grandparents forbade Preston from coming when we would visit, they started getting sick frequently. Six months later, Grandpa died and two months after that, Grandma died. I know Preston’s behind their deaths because he went on a rant afterward about what he’d done and how they should have gotten everything from their estate rather than a few thousand dollars a month.

“After learning everything that they left me today, I wonder if Preston had hoped that they’d leave everything to Mom and then he’d have the money, the land, the cabins. Everything. Then that Oasis group, if they really are living on my grandparents’ land, could do whatever the hell they wanted and stay out of society’s eye since they would then own the land rather than renting it.

“I didn’t mention my grandparents’ deaths before because, at the time, I didn’t think it was related. It wasn’t until we heard about the cabins and land this morning that I started to connect the dots with what we learned from our guests still at Junction Creek. I didn’t realize the cabins were that far north of here. I thought they were closer to Forest Creek, but the last time I was there was when I was eleven.”

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