Page 171 of Timber

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Smoke videotapes them unloading the bags. Three are taken to the shed, but the others are dispersed to the surrounding houses.

When Bruce and the others leave, Smoke starts guiding the drone back to us when a gunshot rings out.

All of us duck and Smoke pushes on a bunch of buttons on his remote. “Fuckers are trying to take out the drone. Somehow they spotted it.”

Minutes later, the drone flies in the window and Reaper floors it, going even faster than before.

More gunshots ring out as a black car emerges from behind some trees, making it two cars that are tailing us while the others break off into a different direction.

“Fuck, they must have put in some roads or something through the trees that wasn’t showing on the maps.”

Reaper’s knuckles turn white as he races through town and onto the busy interstate. The bullets stopped when we got into town, but we still need to lose them.

We manage to stay ahead of them thanks to the busy roads. Reaper exits two exits before we normally would and takes the winding back roads.

“I don’t think they followed us. Or if they are, they’re far enough back that I can’t see them,” Punisher says from the backseat.

“We’ll be at the compound in ten minutes, so long as those fuckers don’t suddenly show up again,” Reaper grits out.

Thankfully, we don’t encounter any problems the rest of the way, but still... I can’t shake the feeling that we’re being watched.

Reaper parks, and as soon as Thor sees us, he frowns. “Church,” he bellows.

Sunshine whirls in her seat, smiling when she sees me, but then it falls at our expressions.

Stalking over to her, I lean down, kissing her quickly. “Stay inside. Don’t go outside, even to go to our house.”

She presses her lips together and nods. “Ragnar forwarded me a message, which Thor now has. Didn’t want to send it to you guys in case it distracted you or something. I asked Ragnar if someone in Junction Creek could get the names of the other Masters out of Andrew or Carter, and he had Cannon and Atlas go down to talk to our friends.”

“Good job, Sunshine.” Stealing one more kiss, I head into Church.

Thor bangs his hammer on the table. “Fill me in.”

Thirty minutes later, everyone’s been filled in and we looked at the pictures and videos.

“Where are those five cars now?” Thor asks.

Smoke clicks away on his computer and the screen switches to a large map of the surrounding area. “They’re all within an hour radius of the homestead, and no two are in the same town. Seems Andrew and Carter were the only exceptions to that rule. That and they lived further away from the homestead than the others.”

“Maybe it has something to do with that sedative Bruce mentioned. They must have needed a doctor to get it, or the ingredients, and they were the only doctors in the group per the list that Cannon and Atlas sent us,” Phoenix says.

“We need to stake out these houses and see if they have any other women captured there or if they are all at the homestead. Let’s make a plan,” Thor says.

Scrubbing a hand over my face, a foreboding feeling settles over me. Something’s going to happen and soon.

But what?

And when?

I don’t know what’s going on, but all the guys and Levi have been on edge for the past six weeks. It’s making me nervous. We haven’t gotten any more messages, at least that I’m aware of, anyway. It’s like everyone’s just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Our trip up to see the cabins was uneventful but informative. They’re in great shape, but unfortunately, wallpaper was installed and it matches the background of the pictures we were sent.

However, Timber and Dad didn’t seem surprised for some reason. Unless they saw it when they did their recon mission. For now, we decided to keep Martha and George running things and I’ll have regular check-ups with them.

Shortly after we got back from checking on the cabins, Timber helped install the new gate and fill the hole that the bomb had left in the concrete. The gatehouses took longer, but now they should all be blast-proof. Not to mention being reinforced so that a car can’t crash through them.

Shaking my head, I refocus on finishing seasoning the meat. This weekend is forecasted to be the last good one in October, and everyone voted to have a barbeque. We’re having steaks, potatoes, green bean casserole, corn, and biscuits.
