Page 174 of Timber

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I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that for every week that’s passed, we’ve gotten more demands and pictures. Fuck, just last Friday they sent us a severed hand that we think is Lillian’s. Only thing is, there were three dismembered fingers and a thumb in the box too. We have no idea who the fingers and thumb belong to. The pads of the fingers were all burnt off, so there’s no way to run fingerprints on them.

Mae’s probably going to ream us to high heaven over this, but we all thought we were protecting her. Smoke included. Drae doesn’t know about everything either, but we haven’t gotten as much about Jane or Lindsey as we have about Lillian.

Not too long after we saw Bruce dropping off the bags we suspect were full of women at the homestead, he came back and went back to the shed. Later, his men came out carrying three heavy duffel bags which we pegged as Lillian, Jane, and Lindsey. Smoke had another thinner drone that was just as silent as the first one that he flew to the shed and inside it. There were heat signatures, but they were already fading fast, so those areas must have been where the three women had been held. There was no one else being held in the shed.

He checked the other houses, but no one resembling Lillian, Jane, or Lindsey were there. We have no idea who the women were in the bags, either. Or where they were being held.

Since then, they haven’t been back to the cabins the entire time and we haven’t seen them at the homestead either. We’re grasping at straws, but the fuckers are back in the wind.

Mae speed walks right up to the check-in station, startling the woman there.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. My dad, Jaxon Witlock, was brought in here a little bit ago. Is there any update?”

“What’s your name?”

“Mae Caldwell.”

Despite what’s going on, I fucking love hearing her say my last name.

“He’s still in surgery. When there’s another update, the nurse or doctor will come out to get you.”

A second later, I hear someone running toward us as they call Mae’s name, and I turn, seeing Sadie barreling toward us with tears streaming down her face, Nikki not too far behind her. Bending down, I scoop Sadie up and she buries her face in my neck.

Mae looks behind her and then back to the nurse. “Can you make sure Nikki Witlock is on the list too? She’s Dad’s sister,” she says right as Nikki walks up to us.

“Of course.”

“Thank you,” Mae replies and when she turns, Nikki wraps her into a hug. After a few moments, they pull apart and I guide them over to my brothers.

Levi wraps Mae in a hug and then suddenly, Mae jerks back. “Crap! I need to add you, Sasha, Lex, and Ethan to the list!”

Levi puts a hand on her arm and shakes her head. “No, you two need to see him first. We can wait until afterward.”

Mae hesitates. “Are you sure you want to wait? You’re just as much his family as we are.”

She sniffles but nods. “Thank you, but you’re his blood and you two should see him first.”

Mae hugs her again, and this time when she pulls back, both of them are chuckling softly. Mae touches Levi’s stomach before smiling widely and bending down, kissing where her hand had been.

“Hey, princesses. Be good in there and don’t beat up your mama’s insides too much.”

Levi groans and then looks down at her stomach as she caresses it. “And stop laying on my bladder. It isn’t a pillow.”

The ladies all sit together and Sadie wiggles slightly in my arms. I set her down and she crawls into Nikki’s lap.

Walking over to the others, I step up to Thor. “Any news?” I ask, pitching my voice low.

“They lost them. Jackasses were on bikes and were gone pretty quick. Dragon took Bastion out there but, the trail was localized to the area around where the shooter was.”

Swearing, I scrub my hand over my face and settle in to wait for an update.

It’s been five long fucking hours and Mae is getting antsier by the minute.

“I shouldn’t have had that soda. I need to pee but I don’t want to leave in case they come out,” she moans as she wiggles slightly on my lap again.

“Tell you what. I need to pee again too, so we’ll go together,” Levi says as she gets up and I pat Mae’s hip.

“I’ll come knock on the door if they come out. Take Lex with you,” I say since he’s the only Prospect here right now. Ethan went to get some drinks from the cafeteria a few minutes ago and Colt, Sasha, and Drae are back at the clubhouse. They all wanted to be here, but we can’t leave the compound unattended either. They’re there with Bear, Phoenix, Bones, and Axe, as well.
