Page 173 of Timber

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“It’s okay, Baby Girl. I’m just glad I got to you in time,” he says as he lets out a long breath, his face paler than before.

Patch gets Dad’s cut off somehow and calls out for more towels. “It’s not a through and through and there’s a graze as well, which isn’t good. You’re losing too much blood. We gotta take you in.” He pauses as he looks me over. “Is that all his blood or are you hurt, too?”

I look down at my torso and more tears fall. Shrugging off my cut, I don’t see any bullet holes. There is a graze, but it didn’t go all the way through the leather. To be sure, I pull up my sweater to check. Relief flows through me, but then it’s instantly replaced with worry and nerves as I shake my head, staring down at Dad, whose shirt is darkening with blood.

“No, it’s all Dad’s blood. The leather stopped the bullet from grazing me,” I say, biting back a sob. I see Dad’s cut on the ground next to me and wipe some of the blood off my hands onto my jeans before carefully picking it up, trying not to get blood on his patches. I pick up my cut and clutch the both of them like a lifeline as I watch Patch work.

A sound of an engine has me looking up to see Thor pulling up in the club SUV and he hops out.

“I have your kit, Patch. We’ll get him there faster if we take him ourselves. Mae, you should get cleaned up and meet us there.”

Strong hands pull me back out of the way, and Timber scoops me up into his arms.

“Come on Sunshine. They’ll take care of him. This isn’t our first rodeo. Let’s get cleaned up and throw a bag together, then we’ll head to the hospital.”

I can only nod numbly as I look over his shoulder, watching the guys load Dad up into the SUV. He sees me and lifts his hand in a weak wave. Swallowing a sob, I wave back and then the doors close. Thor carefully loops around the clubhouse and then he’s gone.

When the SUV disappears from view, my tears come harder as the reality of what just happened sinks in.

My dad just took a bullet for me.Two if you count the graze.

Up in our bedroom, I don’t pay attention as Liam strips me out of my clothes, tossing them on the floor. He picks me up again after shedding his clothes and carries me into the bathroom. After starting the shower, he grabs a hairband off the counter and starts to put my hair up, but then stops.

“Sorry, baby, but you have blood in your hair,” he whispers.

I nod and turn, walking into the shower on autopilot and start washing myself.

I scrub at my hands, arms, and stomach where Dad’s blood seeped through my shirt.

Liam’s large hands stop my scrubbing, and I look up at him, his face blurry through my tears.

“Let me, baby. You’re rubbing yourself raw.”

I can only nod again in response, not trusting myself to talk right now.

Liam takes the luffa from me and starts washing the rest of my body before tilting my head back and rinsing my hair. He squirts some shampoo in his hand, and I close my eyes as his hands work through my hair.

Even though the sight of my dad laying bloody on the ground instantly bombards me, I can’t look at the pink water as it circles the drain.

Liam shuts off the water and grabs a towel off the rack, wraps it around me and starts drying me off.

“Let’s get dressed, baby.”

That has me slightly snapping out of it and I loosely braid my hair. Once that’s done, I hurry to the dresser and pull on clean clothes. Grabbing a bag from the closet, I pack a few more clothes and then grab my backpack and purse. Seeing my cut on the dresser, I take it into the bathroom and wipe off the blood before putting it on. I wipe the blood off Dad’s cut as best as I can before tucking it safely into my backpack.

Liam’s waiting at the door with his own backpack, looking down at his phone.

“Levi texted that she called Nikki. Her and Sadie are on their way to the hospital. They were just about to leave their house to head here when Levi called. Levi said she grabbed a bag of Smoke’s clothes and his laptop. Dragon’s driving her in.”

“Okay. Let’s go,” I whisper and then hurry out of the house getting into Timber’s truck. We’ve been looking for a car for me, but haven’t pulled the trigger yet. I want to wait until this mess is done with and we can find Mom.

I still worry that we haven’t heard anything the past few weeks, but it’s nothing compared to what Drae’s going through since there has also been no word on Jane or Lindsey.

Liam speeds through town, for which I’m grateful. Instead of the usual twenty minutes, it only takes fifteen.

As soon as he has the truck parked, I fling open my door and race inside, ignoring his growl of annoyance. I know it’s only been about a half hour, but I need an update on my dad.

Cursing, I hurry after Sunshine. I get she’s freaked the fuck out, but I wish she would have let me make sure the area was clear first. Especially since she doesn’t know about all the threats that we’ve kept from her.
