Page 175 of Timber

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Mae grumbles but gets up. She doesn’t like having a shadow, but she understands, too.

Lex follows behind them as they walk down the hall and around the corner to the restroom since the one just outside the waiting area is occupied.

Ten minutes later, they still aren’t back, and I exchange worried glances with Dragon and Thor. All three of us stand and head down the hall.

“Where the fuck is Lex?” Thor asks when we round the corner and a feeling of dread washes over me when no one is standing outside the women’s restroom.

I hurry down the rest of the hallway and knock on the door. “Mae? Levi?”

No one answers and I share another worried glance with the others.

I try knocking louder, but still no response.

Turning the handle, it opens and my stomach bottoms out.

It’s empty but there’s blood smeared around on the stall doors, the sink, and the floor.

“Fuck,” I growl and pivot on my heel, but then stop.

Thor and Dragon push past me, but I stop them and signal them to be quiet.

A banging noise is coming from further down the hallway. As I get closer, I can hear grunting as I see the door rattling like someone’s trying to break it down from the inside.

Hurrying the rest of the way down the hall, I bang on the door. “Lex?”

“Timber! Fucking assholes got the drop on us and locked us in here.”

“Please say my sunshine’s in there with you and Levi?”

I ask as Dragon starts picking the lock.

Seconds later, the door swings open and anger flows through me at seeing a deep gash on Lex’s head as well as a few others on his arm and one on his neck. Behind him, Levi slouches against the wall, blood running down the side of her face as she holds her shoulder with one arm, the other cradling her stomach.

The defeat in her eyes tells me all I need to know.

“I’m sorry, Timber. We tried, but Bruce got her.”

Nausea swirls in my stomach as a white-hot rage fills my veins.

“How many were there?”

“Three other men and a nurse. They were all in scrubs,” Lex replies and then he turns toward me. “Do you have Mae’s or Smoke’s laptop?”

I immediately nod.

“Good. I can route into the program and track her. Last I saw, she still had on her cut and bracelets,” he says as he takes off down the hall.

Thor scoops up Levi in his arms and we all follow them, only to get stopped by a wide-eyed nurse.

“What’s going on? Oh my gosh, we need to get you both back in the ER right away.”

“First you’re going to page Mr. Thatcher and have him get his ass down here. Then page Luke or Allison to come look at these two,” I bark at her.

She presses her lips together in a thin line. “Sir, I don’t know who you are but I will not tolerate you ordering me around like this.”

“Stop right there, lady,” I hiss. “My wife was just kidnapped from your hospital and my friends are injured. As you can see, she’s pregnant,” I say, gesturing to Levi. “We will be requesting guards on their rooms as well as our brother’s room, Jaxon Witlock who is in surgery. Now get me Mr. Thatcher so we can talk about the guards before I go above your head to get it done.”

I don’t know if the nurse finally comes to her senses and realizes that she’s not going to get me to back down, but she turns on her heel and we follow her.
