Page 180 of Timber

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Before I answer her, I turn on my hotspot and refresh the page Lex brought up. Then, I turn on the jammer Lex had on him.

“We already knew Bruce was in on it, but I don’t recognize the two thugs that were with him or the getaway driver. The nurse, however, is someone we all know quite well.”

“My money’s on Gigi,” Levi mutters under her breath and at my nod, all three of them curse.

“She had on a wig, but she took it off before hopping in the car. I texted the plate number to Bones and Lex but I’m gonna bet the plates are stolen.” Pausing, I turn around Mae’s laptop. “Fuckers must not think we’re very smart because they didn’t ditch her phone, her cut, or her bracelets. All of them are pinging at the same location.”

I hand Levi the laptop and they study it. Thor lifts his gaze to me in disbelief. “The asshole took her to her grandparents’ house?”

“Yes. Bones was also able to hack into their security system and judging by the map he sent me; Mae’s being held in an old rundown garrison-like building that is on the corner of the property. Preston and X are there, however, there’s no sign of Phillip. There’s also another woman there, but I think she’s there by force because of how they’re treating her. Luckily, there’s no video surveillance noted where Mae’s being held, but it borders along a small thicket of woods.”

“That could be our way in, then.”

I nod. “That’s what our thoughts were, too.” I pause when someone knocks on the door. Quickly I disconnect the hotspot, close the laptop and stow away the jammer before opening the door.

Thankfully, it’s just Patch. “Lex is all stitched and bandaged up. He also filled me in. Smoke is awake and asking for Mae. Nikki is in there now with Sadie. I think he knows something’s up and is about to lose it. Also, I have Levi’s discharge paperwork along with Lex’s. I worked my magic and got you both out of here sooner than they wanted, but they let it go since I’ll be able to keep an eye on you at the compound.”

Sighing, I nod. “I’ll go tell him but then I need to get back to the compound to plan. Bones and the others are working on a plan as we speak.” I pause and turn to Patch. “I know as soon as he hears about Mae, that he’ll want to be discharged too. What are the odds they’ll let him?”

Patch groans. “That is going to be a harder sell. I can try, but he might not get released until after twenty-four hours at a minimum. The risk of infection is high. Thankfully, they didn’t have to give him any blood, but it was a close call. They almost pulled the trigger on that, and if he had, it would have been a minimum of twenty-four-hour watch with no way of me being able to get him out of it.”

“Can you look into it so that way we can at least know?”

Groaning again, he nods, and slips out after giving Levi her paperwork.

Thor’s phone dings, and he digs it out before nodding and putting it away. “Reaper and a few others just rolled in at the clubhouse, so they’ll be able to help. They left as soon as they heard what happened.”

Taking a deep breath, I grab my stuff. “I’ll go talk to Smoke. Wish me luck.”

They chuckle at me, the fuckers, and I head out into the pod. Mr. Thatcher points to another room and I guess that means its Smoke’s.

Knocking, I enter and Nikki gives me a relieved look. “He may have some answers for you, but as I’ve told you, I don’t know. You know how they are about club business.” She bends, picking up Sadie who had fallen asleep cuddled up to Smoke’s good side. “I’ll let you two talk.”

I wait until she slips out and sigh as I sink into the chair Nikki just vacated and rub my tired eyes.

“They got her, didn’t they?”

Nodding, I dig the jammer out and fill him in. The more I say, the darker his face gets.

“Get me out of here. I want to help plan this. I need to be there for her.”

“Patch is already trying to see what they say, but you and I both know they might not let you. You almost needed a blood transfusion, man.”

“Did we get the assholes?”

“Not yet, but maybe the guys on our security pictures match the guys on the hospital security cameras or at her grandparents’ house.”

Smoke huffs. “It’s not a house. It’s a fucking mansion with a lot of secret tunnels.”

That has me sitting up straighter. “Wait, what now?”

He nods grimly. “Yeah, fuckers messed up by taking her there. It’s in the countryside outside of Rixen on ten acres. Been forever since I’d been there, though, so they could have changed things over the years.”

A knock has me pocketing the jammer and Patch comes in scowling. “Had to pick up some extra shifts, you asshole, but I got you cleared by promising you’ll be an obedient little patient. However, your ass doesnotleave the clubhouse. Bones can be your eyes and can wear a fucking camera or something.”

A snort escapes me at the obedient part, which earns me a glare from Smoke.

“Hey, it’s either obedient patient or your ass is stuck in the hospital,” I tell him.
