Page 188 of Timber

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Punisher steps over onto the other side of the cot. Between the two of us, we manage to get Smoke up without too much swearing. We’re steadying him when Mae’s whimpers get worse.

“Fuck,” I hiss.

“Go sit by her. I’ll walk next to him with the IV pole,” Punisher says as he tilts his head toward Mae.

“Thanks, man.”

I snag my coffee and carefully crawl into bed after a couple of quick gulps so that I won’t spill when I move. “Hey, Sunshine. It’s okay. You’re safe. You’re at the clubhouse in our bed. It’s okay,” I say, my voice quiet as I run my hand along her forehead.

Immediately, she quiets down, and I breathe a sigh of relief. I hope we’re able to get through this stretch with her not waking up from a nightmare and hurting herself when she jerks her body, trying to get up.

Four hours later, Mae starts to stir, and she opens her eyes, smiling when she sees me sitting next to her.

“Hey,” she croaks.

I pull over the cooler chest that Doc brought up a little while ago. Grabbing a baggie of ice chips, I hold it up.

“Ice chip?” The way she is right now, I’m not going to be able to let her drink from a straw since she isn’t near the edge of the bed.

She nods and I open the bag, grabbing one and slipping it into her mouth. A moment later, she reopens her mouth and I give her a few more.

“You’ve got an IV in, Sunshine. Do you need to use the bathroom?”

“God, yes, please. I feel like I’m going to burst.”

“Just a second.”

I crawl out of bed after putting the ice chips back in the cooler and walk around to her side of the bed. I move the IV pole out of our way, which Punisher takes for right now. Carefully, I wiggle my hand under her hips, trying not to press on her bladder, and the other right above her chest.

“Doc has pain meds going into your IV, so that should help with what you’re feeling. Okay, Sunshine. Ready?

“No, but do it anyway. Just don’t be surprised if I cry out or whimper.”

Carefully I lift her and Punisher helps guide her feet to the floor. Slowly I help straighten her, but stop when she hisses badly.

“Stop right there for now?” I ask her, even though she’s mostly hunched over still. She nods.

I help guide her to the foot of the bed and she grimaces when she sees the walker.

“I know you probably hate it, but this should help you walk a little easier than using our arms. Neither Patch nor Doc wanted you to constantly be raising your shoulders to use our arms to get around, so they suggested the walker to help you heal better.”

“Fine, but it doesn’t mean that I have to like it,” she grumbles, and we steer her toward it.

Biting my lip to keep from chuckling at her continued grumbling, I walk next to her in case I need to catch her. At least in here it’s carpet, but I might need to get her some of those socks with those anti-slip things on the bottoms for at home.

When she gets closer to the bathroom, I walk around in front of her and she carefully passes the walker to Punisher, knowing my bathroom’s a bit tight on space. I grasp her hands and lead her inside until she’s able to put her hands on the sink. I take the IV pole from Punisher and he closes the door once I have it inside.

I reach around her to lift the toilet lid and she freezes when she sees the large hat to collect urine. She shuffles around and it’s only when she’s facing me that she cocks an eyebrow in question.

“Patch wants to double check something, so he asked me to get a urine sample when you woke up. He figured this would be easier than holding this tiny cup you usually have to hold,” I say, nodding to said cup on the counter.

She narrows her eyes but doesn’t say anything else as I help her lower her panties and pants before gently lowering onto the seat. She releases a long breath when she finally rests all her weight on the seat. Her cheeks tinge pink and I turn around. She huffs but doesn’t say anything.

A few moments later, she finishes up and I turn back around.

“What aren’t you telling me, Liam?” she asks.

Clearing my throat, I ask her a question of my own instead. “Baby, have you had your period while you’ve been here?”
